Just come back to the site after a while. Interesting post and yes the simple humans I have meet who thought that they were one of a select group who get to rule over us were indeed simple and I just don't get why they would think that they would be any good at ruling anyone but hey the Big J chose them.
I have to say though - every time I read a post from the brother Jeremy I cringe!
Seriously Jeremy, I don't get it, you go out in the field service, no doubt put your homework in on time, probably stand up and do prayers and talks - the whole none yards yet you say you are into the BigJ not the borg but they are one and the same.
I'm going to send you the bill for the thousand's of dollars I spent correcting my brain after years of doing the same as you are now! I don't get why you would come here and defend an organization like this, you may say you disagree with the borg but still want to represent God door to door but you are still doing it under the umbrella of this cult, that's right it is a CULT no matter what you say. You are not the only saved one's, you are simply wrong.
Again I don't get why you would want to use this site to bear witness? - to what? Now that's the real question