Hey there Sinboi. Gotta say down the track once you have worked this out you will change your sinboi handle eh? Totally get it at this stage though. Give yourself a pat on the back to be brave enough to get out at 16 so congrats.
Don't forget you have had 16 years of complete brainwashing and the formative years of youth are a big one for forming our ideas of what is right or wrong or 'sin'. We have already realized we have a core of human behavior though, which most of the time allows us just to be nice! When you add the fear and guilt of the borg is when we think of sinning etc, don't you think?
It'll take time to work through it all so just be nice to yourself and soon enough you will just be able to enjoy any social situation without 'over thinking it' !! So good luck and enjoy Freedom. Cheers