Hi Miriam,
Thankyou for keeping us informed about poor Kismet. Hope he is feeling better. Please pass on our regards and tell him we expect to hear all the 'gory details' in the chat room soon!
my name is miriam.
i am a friend of johns.
last night he went to the hospital with severe abdonimal pains.
Hi Miriam,
Thankyou for keeping us informed about poor Kismet. Hope he is feeling better. Please pass on our regards and tell him we expect to hear all the 'gory details' in the chat room soon!
today is valentine's day...a day to share with your partner.
today is bittersweet for me.. my husband is a wonderful man....intelligent, a gifted musician, kind, handsome....and an alcoholic.
he spent the day drinking, and i spent my valentine's day evening eating supper alone in front of the tv.. tomorrow is my birthday.
Hi Red,
Sorry your day wasn't so good yesterday. Hope today is heaps better. Thinking of you.
1. that judge rutherford had a mistress.
2. that he died from a fall down the basement stiars where he cracked open his skull and the rats fed on him.. 3. that his son, malcolm, left immediately after his father became president and lived the life of a hermit, never to speak to or about his father until in death in 1995.. 4. that the judge was a womenizer, alcoholic and racist and dabbled with the occult.. _______________.
never take a laxative and a sleeping pill on the same night.. edited by - rr on 27 january 2001 13:44:18
Now let's see that was
Russell in the train with the poison, and
Rutherford in the basement with the rats,.....
or was that in the library with the dagger? I get so confused!
Hi Latte
'Circare' is Latin and means to go round, explore, search.
Btw neyank
I thought your name was anyyank, not N E yank.
the following discussion is based upon a question raised by larc, under another thread posted earlier.
it was interpreted that i could not answer the question.
the question was then, followed up by circare to the effect that i should comment upon it for the benefit of others who may be listening.. i have decided to respond.. these are the actual quotes, asked of me.. ...one minor point.
MDS again thank you taking the time to answer.
As there is a little reading to do here, and other duties that call upon my time, may I get back to you with my response?
PS. Sorry I missed talking with you in the chat room. I was having a few 'technical difficulties' and could not keep up with the conversation. cc
the following discussion is based upon a question raised by larc, under another thread posted earlier.
it was interpreted that i could not answer the question.
the question was then, followed up by circare to the effect that i should comment upon it for the benefit of others who may be listening.. i have decided to respond.. these are the actual quotes, asked of me.. ...one minor point.
MDS I do thank you for responding and for the information provided.
JW's are taught the concept of prophecy having a minor and major fulfilment. What basis would there be for considering a third or further fulfilment?
my huband posed something to me yesterday that i had never even thought of before.
he said, wouldn't it be possible that if a group <ie.
jehovahs witnesses> fell out of gods favor, what would stop him from choosing another group?
Excuse MDS but what happened here?
bjc said
He can have as many fulfillments as He wishes.
could you find a prophesy in the Bible that has been fulfilled many times and list each of the fulfillments?
Does this mean, you do not believe prophecy has any merit today? ....Do you have more confidence, now in Science, than in the Bible itself? .....what do you what me to do about it? Give you more faith? .....and now we've got to convince you that the Bible is God's Word?
Larc asked a logical question that deserved an honest answer. I also wanted to know the answer to that question. Larc did not say he did not believe prophecy had merit. Larc did not say he had more faith in science than the bible. Larc did not say he did not have faith in the bible or in God.
MDS why waste time in a diatribe against Larc instead of answering the question he asked. Do you not think the answer could have been faith strengthening? (Note: I did not say 'faith giving' but 'faith strengthening')
Edited by - circare on 28 January 2001 7:26:52
hi all brothers and sisters.
i am simply looking for friends to talk with over email or icq.
i am adjusting to living alone after my wife left me and then was disfellowshipped.
Dear TR and Red,
I have watched this discussion with much interest and (ROF), and believe that you have both voiced the merits of your respective beasts well. However, having been thrown from both types of steeds myself, I wonder that there is much appeal in either. ???
Seven shame on you! You are letting that naughty waiting lead you astray! Again!
(Thankyou all for this most entertaining repartee.)
im starting a new thread because its time i left the bergman discussion.
i would like to address some comments made by ahhah, however, comments which have given me reason to look deep into myself.. even then, i wonder how objective a person could ever be after having had part of their life taken from them by a cult association.
on the other hand, who else (other than an ex-jw) would ever care enough to work as tirelessly as he seems to have in attempting to document the potential harm of this religion (biased as it may be).
Red thanks for those ideas. We have been involved with some of the things you mentioned.
We along with our children have been involved in community projects and environmental issues. I have helped with literacy programs. My daughter would dearly love to foster homeless animals but we don't have the resources to do this at present. (Some of these things we did while we were active JW's too).
It is very hard to become passionate about these things when the people you work with have their own hidden agendas that come ahead of whatever is trying to be achieved. The meetings are so terribly boring and go on for hours without much substance, and the precious time and effort you give achieves so little.
I am not intending to be negative, I guess I just haven't discovered any causes that engender a lasting passion yet.
im starting a new thread because its time i left the bergman discussion.
i would like to address some comments made by ahhah, however, comments which have given me reason to look deep into myself.. even then, i wonder how objective a person could ever be after having had part of their life taken from them by a cult association.
on the other hand, who else (other than an ex-jw) would ever care enough to work as tirelessly as he seems to have in attempting to document the potential harm of this religion (biased as it may be).
AhHah I agree, even as I was typing I was thinking that it really comes down to example. This is probably where we are failing and I haven't worked out how to overcome this yet. Thanks for all those thoughtful suggestions. Our intention was "to give our children all that is positive about the JW experience with none of the negatives." Somewhere though we have not managed this.
My parents helped me in all those ways you mentioned.
'We can assist them to develop a healthy sense of themselves that is not dependent on the validation of an organization. We can allow them to properly focus much of their energy on their own personal development and education without any of the guilt that we had being raised as a JW. We can assist them to broaden their horizons and reach for their own dreams.'
I was not raised to look to the organisation for validation, only to my relationship with Jehovah. I was never made to feel guilty for any efforts at education, (members of my family continue to further their own education in various fields while being active witnesses). My family assisted me to reach for my dreams, it just happened that my dreams were all involved in 'witness pursuits'. Would they have been so helpful if I hadn't of my own volition chosen to be an active witness? I don't know really. I think they probably wouldn't have initially.
However, I do remember a time in my teens when I became very depressed by events happening in my life, (my best friend had been disfellowshipped, a friend had been killed in a car accident, another friend had become schizophrenic and was in a terrible mess, and another friend seemed to be determined to self destruct no matter how much time and encouragement I gave him.). I became very dispirited and had slacked off in meeting attendance and field service. My father approached me and after letting me rant against the 'unfairness' of life and the inadequacies of the truth, the organisation, the publications, the elders, Jehovah and myself, his parting words were, "Be a witness, or don't be witness, but whatever, you have to live your life."
I would like to pass this philosophy on to my children.
Edited by - circare on 13 November 2000 0:53:45