how awful for all of you.....(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( outbackaussie ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Posts by ugg
Life, death and other musings
by outbackaussie ini have been absent from here for afew days.
on thursday my hubby got a phonecall from his dearest and best friend's partner that the tumour in his brain had agressively spread and it was looking like time is just about up.
we have known that this was coming for about 2 years since he was diagnosed with the cancer but even now it is a shock and very numbing to know you will lose a dear friend soon.
So, what's your I.Q?
by nakedmvistar inbe honest if you know it.
and yes, we are all aware of how insignificant this number can ultimately be.
but i'm still curious so please share.
can i cheat and use my weight instead????????????????
Watching the World......Six got shocked
by SixofNine inwe have so much negative to say about the wt, that sometimes we forget to look for negative things to say about the world.
well sometimes it just reaches out and slaps you.. today a man made an offhand comment to me that has me fantisizing about murder.. i've been working on the exterior of a house for the past couple of days, and the woman next door, who comes out to her car every now and then for a ciggy, is, well, slammin.
front to back.
MAJOR SCUZ BALL!!!!!!!!!!!! dangerous remark made....needs to be reported....
<---Tags Andee, You're Next
by onacruse inanother jedi!
and already wielding your sabre well.
congratulations, beautifulgarbage!
N HAS NOT SEEN .............. O EAR HAS NOT HEARD..........
Just be disfellowshipped - need to chat
by CraigSA inhey all - new here.. well i have now just bee shut off from my family and branded disfeloowshipped and an apostate.
sheesh anyway - for those of you who have been through simular - let me know.. craig.
jhb south africa
hi and welcome,,,,,talk all you will find comfort here.....
by heyfea inyou know how the society pushes every one to do more, and more, and more....and those who don't do more without a super valid reason (like you're in a coma), are considered not "spiritual", right?
ok, they also tell single brothers and sisters who are pioneers or bethelites that they should only consider marrying those with the same spiritual other words....choose some one who "loves" jehovah just as much, meaning one who preaches 120 hours a month or works in bethel,etc.....right?
....well i think it is so unfair.. it's already bad enough that we cannot look at another human being from the opposite sex because they are not witnesses (never mind that they are excellent human beings, ones that would ashame many jws)....we also have to keep from falling in love with a pioneer or bethelite (if you are not one, because he or she will not give you the time of day) or from falling in love with a mere publisher ( if you are a pioneer , because the elders will suggest to let it go, and they will try and try until you give it up)( i've witnessed a huge case...that ended in a bethelite and a pioneer dying, litterally) isn't that appaling?
hi and welcome to the board....thank you for sharing....i am glad you are happy now...
have you been tricked about honesty?
by wheelwithinwheel ini was brought up to believe i was part of the only honest group of people on the planet.
the worldly people were gougers, thieves and downright dishonest.
when wed go to the mall and some charity would ask for a donation, my parents would politely refuse, then tell us kids the charity was crooked and skimmed off most of the money for itself.
a person hears the words evil and wicked continuely at the kingdom hall......i truly believed that to be so....any thing not jw related was satan owned!!!
what an eye opener to find out that those words were not honest.....
for those who know me on Yahoo (cygnustsp)
by Cygnus indue to some very unfortunate circumstances which i won't get into here, i have deleted my yahoo messenger accounts (cygnustsp and cygnuspcp).
so those of you who know me there, and wish to stay in contact, please im me at aol -- cygnus97 -- or email me at [email protected].. i have not posted in quite some time.
i would like folks who care to know that my health is pretty good.
poor health and a seperation....that is a major load....thinking of you
Two Elders Came to Visit this Afternoon
by Scully in..... and i missed it!!!
anyway, hubby was out front fixing the christmas lights when two jws approached him in the driveway.
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( scully )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
my new postcode/zipcode
by josephus inallthough im a bad witness.
the post office obviously dont know it as my new postcode is,,,.
bt28 1jw .. all the reall jws in lisburn are very amused.. see you.
too funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!