sending you all a hug....try to hang in there....
Posts by ugg
MS Rat,My Dad , Elder and Betrayal
by LyinEyes inmost of you know about the story of the ms who ratted on wildturkey and me for smoking at the club, he smoked one of my cigs and was there with his girlfriend (he is married).
well, i ran into him last night at the club and confronted him,, i asked him why he told on us, i just wanted to know, he said he didnt know why, he just felt pressured..i asked if he told on himself he said no!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i wanted to slap him right there.
my introduction, hello!
by jwbot inwhere to begin.... i was never baptized but grew up in the "truth", age 0 to 18. my dad is an elder.
he once was proud of me.
i was daddys little princess, but too opinionated for my own good.
a big welcome to will like it here....i sure do...
sending hugs and love your way!!! hang in there...
What did you do with all of your old JW literature
by LyinEyes ini was wondering if any one has kept at least some of the books from the borg.
i have kept a few, mainly so i can have a good laugh now and then, and highlighting all the double talk.. what did you do with all your jw publications??
did you throw them away?.
hahahahahahahah at haubobbz!!!!! we still have SOME of ours...gave some away,,threw the rest...
hubby uses cd's now...
by SpiderMonkey ini am becoming a lot less active here these days, not that i was ever extremely active
wishing the best for you
OK.. I am done.... can't take any more...
by animal inthats right.... i am finally done with my 1947 harley chopper.... 3 years of building has come to an end.
you thought i was leaving here?
i looked at the pictures again animal....that bike is really some thing..
wow!!!! 3 years of work involved...and it shows...excellent job...
just are very talented.... -
An old man's childish small-scale rebellion
by TheOldHippie ini was a socialist / communist and a hippie before turning a witness, always looking out for chances to disrupt the harmony and tranquility, for putting sand in the machinery of the authorities.
was a "liberal" elder for 24 years, always thinking people's intentions and attempts were the main thing, not looking for faults or shortcomings.
but it always amused me when i could tell the co-elders they had handled things not in accordance with procedures, as i was very good at remembering things and loved it when i was able to point to incorrect dealings from the side of the "hardliners".. anyway, i resigned as an elder after 24 years half a year ago, in protest, after having written many and long letters and made sure my action was read and received by many; the issue was the extent of one's contact with disfellowshipped children, where i was not in agreement with official policy.
i agree with messenger!!! you are rattling prepared!!! we are here for you..
My Therapist Must Think I'm Absolutely Nuts!
by Swan inevery week i go in and tell my therapist these fantastic stories about the religion i was raised in!
i think he believes me, but then when i think about it, it sounds too fantastic to be true.
he must think i'm absolutely insane.
i am in therapy also live in a very small commuity so do
not have the option of "shopping around" for a choice therapist..but
like you,,,i explain about things in the organization and gave the
therapist a copy of the up date of dis'f and dis'a "rules" in the
august km....i share these things in writing,,because to talk about it
it all sounds so nuts...i am just sure the therapist doesn't believe is such a horror story,,,how could they???? by doing this i
feel therapist believes me however,,,it is just my
insecurities...the organization has a way of haunting all aspects of
life...i do not mean to ramble on,,,i just wanted to share this with
you so you did not feel you were alone...i am doing better since going
and i hope it turns out for you also..explain exactly how you are feeling
to your therapist...see what he says...hang in there! -
by minimus inwhat type of personality do you really have?
do you have the same personality in person that you do on-line?
some of us here seem to be rather private and others appear to be very good at communication.
my personality is coming sense of humor is genuine...both here
and in real life...i love to laugh...i like to kid around and have been
taken seriously at times when i have been joking in real life...i am
very honest with the things i say here and in chat...i am not honest in
my real i yet cannot mentally deal with the consequences of
the organization....they would not like my honesty of them...but,,,i
am getting a bit tougher and stronger with the help of this site and
therapy ect sum it up..."what you see written is what you
would get in real life" -
Article on Blood Published
by RunningMan inwell, i just got back from two weeks in chicago and denver and discovered, much to my surprize, that an article that i submitted last spring has been published.. it is on the subject of the calgary blood drama.
since it took so long to publish, the editor has made some timing changes that are not quite correct.
anyway, i had forgotten about it until now: