Yes, I agree that repetitive impriting is a cultish trait. Being of the generation that was alive when Hitler was active, and also when Russia was so prominent in trying to win their population over to Communism, this reptitive imprinting was used over and over. The World War II military who were unfortunate enough to be captured by the Nazi's found that one of the outstanding ways of "convincing" the prisoners of war that their way was "right" was to fill them with the propaganda of the day regarding Hitler's thoughts on the supremacy of the Aryan race etc.
Having been a Witness for many years, and having been a non-Witness since the 1970's, I'm impressed that so many of the people in the organization are aware that Jehovah's Witnesses are using cultish ways of getting their message across, because they are a cult, or a sect. They are included in any book you want to read on cults and sects, and the "world" recognizes them as such.
You have to feel sorry for these people--they have been thoroughly filled with the JW way of thinking and depending upon the Watchtower and Awake for their information, instead of reading the Bible. They have been duped--and now they are finding out how hard it is to get out of an organization that isn't what it says it is. They face all kinds of negative experiences, including the feelings of their families, if they are involved too. They desperately need someone to set them straight, and they need a person who isn't going to make them feel terrible about what they are doing by doubting what the JW's say.
One way that I've found to be a good way to talk to a JW who is foundering around in an organization he/she has found to be false is to calmly address the fact that the WT organization professes itself to be the "prophet of Jehovah on earth." If you can get into a discussion with a JW long enough, you can ask them if they know what the biblical definition of a true prophet is. They might know, but if they don't you can direct them to Deuteronomy 18:15-22. To summarize this information, there will be a prophet raised up, like Moses, and Jehovah will put words into his mouth and he will tell the people everything Jehovah commands him to. In verse 20, it tells about a prophet "who, if he presumes to speak in My name anything I have not commanded him to say, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, must be put to death." You can then ask the JW about the times when the Watchtower has come out with dates such as 1914 which was supposed to be the "end of the world as we know it" according to the Harp of God book; or 1925 when Rutherford proclaimed that the prophets of old were coming back to this world, to help the "other sheep." Rutherford went so far as to purchase a house in San Diego, CA so that when Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, among others, came back, they would have somewhere to live. If you doubt this as truth, it is on file in San Diego County on microfiche--the actual deed which Rutherford (who was a lawyer, before he was the President of the WT Society) drew up. Abraham, in order to establish himself as to who he was, was to present himself in San Diego with documents to show that he was Abraham of the Bible (perhaps a driver's license or a major credit card)--little humor there. The most outstanding date for younger members of JW would be 1975 when Armaggedon was definitely going to come. You might remark to the JW you are talking to that nothing happened in 1975, or 1925, or 1914 (other than the beginning of World War I) that backed up this prophet of Jehovah on earth has having spoken the truth. So what does Deuteronomy say happens to prophets who "presume to speak in the name of the Lord" and what they say doesn't come true? They are put to death! Now, of course, I'm not saying that should be done, for numerous reasons, but this point of the prophet of God speaking falsely, might be a point that would open up the JW's mind enough that if he doubted the Watchtower on those dates, perhaps he might doubt the Watchtower on a lot of other things as well.
This has worked for me, when talking with JW's who are confused about their feelings and the "doctrine" of the Jehovah's Witnesses. Read the scriptures in Deuteronomy and see what you think.