Anna Rules
JoinedPosts by clash_city_rockers
Girls Playing Sports (good or bad idea)
by clash_city_rockers ini found this really informitive artical by doug wilson at on parinting are daughters who might play competitive athletics in high school or college.
maybe this would be a good topic to kick around in our discussion board.
all are welcome to give thier take on the matter in this round table discussion on parents raising thier daughters who may be athleticly gifted.. doug wilson artical can be found here at cradenda agenda, i think this is one of the best articals on the subject that is full of wise counsal and i hope you too can benifit from this artical that has a cultural impact and hopfully restoration in it's ramifications..
Girls Playing Sports (good or bad idea)
by clash_city_rockers ini found this really informitive artical by doug wilson at on parinting are daughters who might play competitive athletics in high school or college.
maybe this would be a good topic to kick around in our discussion board.
all are welcome to give thier take on the matter in this round table discussion on parents raising thier daughters who may be athleticly gifted.. doug wilson artical can be found here at cradenda agenda, i think this is one of the best articals on the subject that is full of wise counsal and i hope you too can benifit from this artical that has a cultural impact and hopfully restoration in it's ramifications..
To use your screen name as an example of your inconsistancy. Would you or better yet would
but more broadly by individuals, male and female, who are able to think outside traditional gender roles and stereotypes.
as you put it think that it would be save 4 thier own kids to be baby sat by a lesbian???????? reductio........
I know catholics who will be dammed to have a priest be near thier kids in fear of a homosexual child molesting priest... JWs and the WT has the same problem.... just because a couple more people in society accept gay lifestyle as ok or cool does not make it morally right nor does it solve the many self refuting issues that are gay agenda fails to resolve.ANNA Miss. Kornoukova is a great example of a redeeming figure in her sport. She is someone who takes the beauty of her feminity more serious than the competitive nature of her sport. Maybe that is why she hasn't won anything but yet is still reveared as a great athlete because of her feminiity and not because of the masculine nature of ruthless compitition in sports. She (Anna), way more than Mia Hamm is a true posterchild of women's athletics. I would be happy if I had a girl who worked hard at the glories of her feminity than the grit and grime of harsh competitive sports. Even though she is not a Christian here athletic career does reflect the Christian World View with all the glory of her God given ascetics, the beauty anf softness of her feminity
thank you for your well thought out and reflective detailed rebuttled of the oposition. Your deep reflection gives testamony of your ability to engage in a meaningful exchange of ideas. You are truely an example of your doctrine of tollerence and you represent your people perfectly.cheers,
jr -
Girls Playing Sports (good or bad idea)
by clash_city_rockers ini found this really informitive artical by doug wilson at on parinting are daughters who might play competitive athletics in high school or college.
maybe this would be a good topic to kick around in our discussion board.
all are welcome to give thier take on the matter in this round table discussion on parents raising thier daughters who may be athleticly gifted.. doug wilson artical can be found here at cradenda agenda, i think this is one of the best articals on the subject that is full of wise counsal and i hope you too can benifit from this artical that has a cultural impact and hopfully restoration in it's ramifications..
Funky, Funky, Funky,
You don’t realize this but you probably have more in common with Doug Wilson’s article than you might expect. Or, at least you are borrowing capitol from the Christian world view. In your past remarks you may have said some things that would, if they were consistent, piss off the femi-nazis.
To quote: (snip)
it's that girls should stick to girl sports, such as hot oil wrestling, foxy boxing, and such and such
Really Funky, this reveals that you do not take women’s competitive athletics as serious as men’s. Probably because of the God given nature of gender roles that your remark capitulates to. At least it is a good capitulation. It is obvious that you take sports such as boxing which requires skill technique and most of all a sense of brutality, which by the way is not a feminine thing, and regard them as a man thing. This is at the heart of your remark of foxy boxing . You would never refer to Men’s boxing in such inane and trivial manor as you do to women’s boxing. That is because you live as if the God of the bible is correct in regard to gender roles.Billygoat, trying to be hip to ad populum remarks spoke in the reaffirms 6 in all the fullness of worldly wisdom and the folly that it is deeply rooted in.
Clash - please follow Sixie's advice. PLEASE do not procreate
I find this remark quite odd coming from someone who claims to go to church, in Texas none the less. Do they teach you to speak such malice. I thought you went to a bible believing evangelical protestant church (Baptist of Presbyterian), that is against social evils like abortion. Is this a good demonstration of your progress in sanctification?Dekota,
I’m not against women’s athletics per say. But what the culture of this wicked age has turned something as wholesome girls soccer or softball or what ever has turned into. I am wondering when was the are when your girls played? No joke check it out for yourself, if you go to a women’s athletic department at major colleges in the Pac 10, Big 10, Big 12, SEC, ACC, Big West, Mt. West, or Big East conferences and you will see to your horror that they have become “carpet munching central” I am not making this up. I’m not saying that all chicks who play sports will become dykes, but in our culture today Christian parents have to be more discerning of what is going on. If I had a daughter first thing I would do is name her Geneva after John Calvin’s home town but the second thing is I would get her first Barbie and Easy Bake Oven and pretty dresses to get her acquainted with here feminine role before I would buy her a soccer ball or softball.I do thank you for the input
jr -
Led Zepplin and Les Paul
by clash_city_rockers inlast week i purchased this led zepplin cd.
wanting to reminis of my pre-adolescent youth of the 70's before i was influenced by the corrupting old school cd that i am going to purchase a les paul.
this is strange because i am a fender/g&l man.. questian: where can i find the tab notes to this cd?????.
Last Week I purchased this Led Zepplin CD. Wanting to reminis of my pre-adolescent youth of the 70's before I was influenced by the corrupting sounds of the punk rock new wave era (like The Clash, Blondie, The Strangelers, The Police,The Jam and The Specials) that has captured me ever since the winter of 79'-80'. Anyway I was so inspired from this OLD SCHOOL CD that I am going to purchase a Les Paul. This is Strange because I am a Fender/G&L man.
Questian: Where can I find the Tab notes to this CD?????
Anyone has a Les Paul to sell?
Girls Playing Sports (good or bad idea)
by clash_city_rockers ini found this really informitive artical by doug wilson at on parinting are daughters who might play competitive athletics in high school or college.
maybe this would be a good topic to kick around in our discussion board.
all are welcome to give thier take on the matter in this round table discussion on parents raising thier daughters who may be athleticly gifted.. doug wilson artical can be found here at cradenda agenda, i think this is one of the best articals on the subject that is full of wise counsal and i hope you too can benifit from this artical that has a cultural impact and hopfully restoration in it's ramifications..
I thought you where much more capable of responding to those whom you might disagree with in a civil manor. You dont want to give testomony of the barbaric nature of athiest discorce. Please give thought to the issue and give an intellegable and thoughtful response. Don't let me down I'm hoping that you will reflect deeply on cultural issues, I do believe you have means of such reflection and would incourage such responibility in our interaction.cheers,
jr -
Girls Playing Sports (good or bad idea)
by clash_city_rockers ini found this really informitive artical by doug wilson at on parinting are daughters who might play competitive athletics in high school or college.
maybe this would be a good topic to kick around in our discussion board.
all are welcome to give thier take on the matter in this round table discussion on parents raising thier daughters who may be athleticly gifted.. doug wilson artical can be found here at cradenda agenda, i think this is one of the best articals on the subject that is full of wise counsal and i hope you too can benifit from this artical that has a cultural impact and hopfully restoration in it's ramifications..
Time 4 "What R U Reading these Days?"
by patio34 inand what your all-time favorites might be.
it's been quite a while since we've had a thread like this, so here goes my list:.
1. the end of history and the last man by francis fukuyama.
Secular books
1. Neil Postman--Amusing Ourselves to Death
2. Neil Postman--Technopoly
3. Harold Bloom--The American Religion
4. Alan Bloom --The Closing of the American Mind
5. James Davidson Hunter--Culture Wars
6. Kim Stanley Robinson--Mars Trilligy
7. C.S.Lewis--Space TrilligyLatest Christian Books that came in last couple monthes
1. David Callhoun--The History of Princeton Seminary 2 Vol.
2. Nathan O'Hatch--The Democratzsation of American Christianity
3. Edwin Rian--The Presbyterian Conflict
4. Robert Reymond--Systematic Theology
5. D.G. Hart--Defending the Faith, J. Greshem Machen and the Crisis of Conservitive Protistantism in Modern America
6. D.G. Hart--Fight the Good Fight, History of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church -
Girls Playing Sports (good or bad idea)
by clash_city_rockers ini found this really informitive artical by doug wilson at on parinting are daughters who might play competitive athletics in high school or college.
maybe this would be a good topic to kick around in our discussion board.
all are welcome to give thier take on the matter in this round table discussion on parents raising thier daughters who may be athleticly gifted.. doug wilson artical can be found here at cradenda agenda, i think this is one of the best articals on the subject that is full of wise counsal and i hope you too can benifit from this artical that has a cultural impact and hopfully restoration in it's ramifications..
I found this really informitive artical by Doug Wilson at on parinting are daughters who might play competitive athletics in High School or College. Maybe this would be a good topic to kick around in our discussion board. All are welcome to give thier take on the matter in this round table discussion on parents raising thier daughters who may be athleticly gifted.
Doug Wilson artical can be found here at Cradenda Agenda, I think this is one of the best articals on the subject that is full of wise counsal and I hope you too can benifit from this artical that has a cultural impact and hopfully restoration in it's ramifications.
One of the places where revolutionary fervor can be best viewed is in the realm ofathletic competition. For many reasons, the totalitarian mentality loves to showcase its propaganda in the realm of athletics, and is more than a little annoyed when it gets spanked there. Think of Hitler and Jesse Owen. With regard to the former point, think of the irrational value placed by totalitarian regimes, like China or the former East Germany, on cultivating a small town of steroidic athletes who can chase a ball or jump really high. How is this supposed to authenticate an economic system?
There is a deep connection there somewhere, but answering the question is their problem. We should be concerned about the more obvious way this kind of propaganda is working in our own local parks and rec programs. Egalitarianism is rampant in our day when it comes to girls, and one of the key battlefields is the playing field.
We have gotten to an absurd point. We now have nationally televised boxing matches between women, which is an abomination. We have young girls turning out for their high school football teams, which is worse. On a track team, few spectators can see the difference between a girl competing in a foot race and a girl competing in the shot put. Same day, same stadium, same team, why is it not the same? In those sports where it is possible to argue for a right kind of feminine particicpation, we have capitulation to egalitarian assumptions about how the game is to be played, right down to the imitative details. We have young girls swaggering around basketball courts as though a team doctor has been giving them testosterone injections.
The fact that many women's athletic departments at secular universities are hotbeds of lesbianism is not a coincidence. Much of what goes on in the name of wholesome athletic activity is actually dedicated to the recruiting and training of lesbians. Christians need to understand that it is not possible to have a large part of our lives dedicated to the blurring of distinctions between male and female, and then turn around expecting those distinctions to flourish in the other parts of our lives. We will not maintain distinctions unless we learn how, and learning how means it must be made a priority.
This means that if Christian parents have their daughters in any form of athletic training or competition, they have to place the highest priority on teaching their daughters how this activity relates to their calling as Christian women. Further, they must ensure that it does relate. It is also incumbent on any young woman involved in any sport to be able to articulate why she is there. It is necessary for her to be able to say how her style of play, how her approach to competition, differs markedly from how boys compete. If she cannot do this, then it is spiritually dangerous for her to be where she is. If she does not have a biblical reason for pursuing the activity, she is not left with no reason, she is left with an unbiblical reason. The fact she is confused about that reason does not mean it is absent.
When a girl is thrown into such situations without direction, it can leave her insecure in the last place where she should be left insecure—her femininity. If she is good at the sport, then it is natural for her to give herself to that competition in the hope that she might derive some kind of identify from it. She is surrounded by propandga disguised as sneaker advertisements, telling her nature is infinitely malleble. Shape it however you want.
The end result can be a young lady who is uncomfortable in a dress, and who slouches around in sweats and a ball cap. She talks, walks and acts like one of the guys. She does not dress attractively because she does not think it is possible. And she thinks that way because of what she has been praised for throughout her life. If eighty percent of the praise she has received from her parents has been because she was faster, or stronger, or bigger, why is everyone surprised when she settles in that identity? We always get more of what we subsidize and less of what we penalize. And we have to see that praise and lack of praise (or criticism) are subsidies and penalties respectively.
Not surprisingly, it is the responsibility of fathers to prevent this kind of sexual damage from occurring, and to address it responsibly if it has already started to happen. But this responsibility cannot be assumed if all the father wants is a list, and writes in asking what sports are bad for girls? Such a list is possible—sumo wrestling would be on it—but mechanical application of such lists would not fix anything. Fathers who do not love, comfort, praise, encourage, and teach cannot fix their problem by moving their daughters around on the basis of a list. All they would get is a change from having a daughter who did not know why she was on the football team to a daughter who did not know why she was in the kitchen.
Some might want to solve the problem by simply saying that girls should not be in athletics at all. This is a typical fundamentalist solution, and is far too easy. "People get drunk on wine, you know, except at Corinth where they were apparently getting drunk on grape juice, but the best thing is to ban wine altogether." This is not a mature response.
At the same time, we must learn to think like Christians, and consistently make distinctions. We should challenge what the world says, and be willing to modify our behavior based upon what the Scriptures require of us. And when it comes to our daughters in sports, there is a lot to modify. -
Justification by Faith Alone and JosephAlward
by clash_city_rockers inearlier today i was reflecting on joseph alward topic on how one is saved according to the bible.
knowing that this is the most important topic that the bible addresses is the topic of redemption.
how is one right before a holy god?
Yerusalyim said
So the Loving God you serves creates people specifically to be sinners and burn in hell?
No! he gives them over to thier own sin he holds back his common grace so that man (depnednt morally on that common grace) will be left to his own sinfullness and get worse and worse morally. (Romans 1:18-32)
I know that this is hard to except since you probly hold to a more huministic man centered view of man. But if salvation to be true it must be as the bible perscribes that is, full of grace and by faith alone!!! If your salvation is a "pick yourself up by your own boot straps" mission then it is not really salvation at all it's no different than the WT and you have no assurance of your future.funkyderek posted:
He not only believes without evidence but explicitly rejects reason and evidence. He's immune to rational argument because he doesn't believe in it.
Sorry, but your slanderous straw man will not work. Sadly you have absolutly no clue of what presupositional apologics is or what Van Til wrote. My guess is that you are still up to your old JW ways and will be too dishonest like a typical JW (even though you are an EX) to take the time to read Van Til. The Christian world view is the only world view in which one can give an account for "reason and evidence and rational argument". I prey that the Lord will open your eyes so you can be reasonable and rational and see that Christ is the only savior and that the Christian world view is the only consistant philophophy.cheers with beers,
Justification by Faith Alone and JosephAlward
by clash_city_rockers inearlier today i was reflecting on joseph alward topic on how one is saved according to the bible.
knowing that this is the most important topic that the bible addresses is the topic of redemption.
how is one right before a holy god?
Earlier today I was reflecting on Joseph Alward topic on how one is saved according to the bible. Knowing that this is the most important topic that the bible addresses is the topic of redemption. How is one right before a Holy God? What does the role of faith and works play? A biblical understanding of justification and the nature of true conversion will be very helpful in understanding biblical salvation.
First off the bible is very clear that man is incapable of reaching salvation or even choosing God. (Romans 3:11) In fact the very message of the gospel (faith alone in Jesus Christ alone) is foolishness to the unconverted. (1 Corinthians 1:21-31) Since man can’t make the choice for salvation then he is dependent on the mercy of God. Then God chooses who gets saved and who doesn’t. Remember God does not OWE salvation to anyone. (Romans 9:15-16) God is only obligated to Justice and to send all to hell. God does not look down the corridors of time and say “hey Jimmy boy over their in No Cal he is cool I think I’ll save him”. No such obligation. Instead Salvation is volitional on Jehovah’s part, God chooses evil wicked sinners as he pleases those who do not deserve salvation and saves them and changes them to become godly citizens of the kingdom of God (sanctification both positionally and progressively) (Eph 1:4-11; Phil 1:29) Conversion comes from God alone (John 1:13; 3:3-8; Eph 2:1-4) Through the word of God (Romans 10:17; James 1:18) a sinner is converted or born again then he chooses salvation because his heart is changed by God (Ezekiel 11:19-20) this conversion is in its fullness in the new covenant (Jeremiah 31:33) Therefore salvation is completely of faith alone in Christ alone (Romans 4:5; Eph 2:8-10) saved by grace alone through grace alone to the glory of God alone to be His workmanship as his covenant people.
Saved by a life you didn’t live and a death you didn’t die. Of course much more can be said about the technical aspects of the satisfaction of Christ and his substatutionary death and the legal aspects of Christ’s imputed righteousness, but I wanted to focus on the basics of regeneration and justification. To answer Joseph’s confusion on the matter.
Joseph, we don't want to be palagian in our soteriology like the WT, do we???