Funky you seem to mystify me. On one hand you are so insistent that there is no such thing as a god. Then you turn around and capitulate your atheist standard that you allegedly hold to so passionately and betray your atheist beliefs and celebrate a holiday that is centered in proclaiming a historic theistic event that you are so desperate to deny. The contradiction is so blatant that anyone who was true to the propagation of atheism would see you as a traitor and a sell out to the cause. In fact the cult of old Soviet communism, which is truly more a consistent an atheistic system than kind of pseudo atheism that you subscribe to would prosecute you for being a traitor to the dogmas of atheism. So Funky is your car in the garage (true atheism) or is your car not in the garage (quasi atheism that capitulates to theistic Christianity and celebrates Christmas)? Where is Funkys car? Funky, I am not trying to pick on you I am glad when you borrow capitol from the Christian world view and enjoy the celebration of birth of our Lord during Christmas I just want you to think through some of your dogmatic yet passionate assertions and hope that you will see them as incredulous. I truly do pray for you and ask the Lord Jesus Christ to have mercy on you and give you faith in Him that you would truly someday give glory to God to your benefit and that you would be one of the elect and come to faith in Christ.
Grace and Peace,
Believe me if Funky were ever truly consistent to the dogmas of atheism then he would be true to his worldview and mock and make fun of your pagan pantheon. Any true atheist would look at your pagan deities and laugh and say gee Sirona, you are wasting your time and energy praying to those pagan gods, or Sirona havent you heard of disproves paganism. Why would you take sides with a philosophical position that negates your own. The official doctrines of atheism claim that the religious practices of pagans whether it be hugging a tree, praying to a lizard or the sun (like the sun has ears) or smoking some dope and start spacing out and calling it meditating or howling at the moon or what ever it is pagans do, atheism calls it vain and stupid because there is no pagan god or otherwise.
BTW Sirona please dont get upset with my description of paganism. Paganism does not have a central body of beliefs hence there is no singular systematic theology that encompasses this individualistic belief system. Since paganism is individualistic in doctrine. That is according to once taste you can make up any old doctrinal preference and call it paganism. Like sucking on a frogs back to get high or find some hopeless cute puppy and cut him up into pieces and call it paganism. Dont get mad at me this is YOUR religion so take responsibility for it. Paganism is an anti atheist religion since a belief in a god even a pagan god is anti atheistic doctrine.
I am not trying to be incendiary or offensive I just want you to think through the position of your pagan worldview. Hopefully you will see the futility of placing your trust on the creation for eternal hope. Trust Jesus Christ
Peace love and happiness,
Edited by - clash_city_rockers on 18 December 2002 7:24:39