I said what you quoted and not Fisherman. I was replying to Fisherman.
"hot topic on topix seems to be candace conti settlement.
but it's all quiet here.
are you guys aware that your hero, who was not in it for the money but to change policies, settled without changing anything?".
I said what you quoted and not Fisherman. I was replying to Fisherman.
hot topic on topix seems to be candace conti settlement.
but it's all quiet here.
are you guys aware that your hero, who was not in it for the money but to change policies, settled without changing anything?
hot topic on topix seems to be candace conti settlement.
but it's all quiet here.
are you guys aware that your hero, who was not in it for the money but to change policies, settled without changing anything?
In your mind Fisherman, are all of the policies of the Watchtower corporation and Jehovah's Witnesses sound as far as child molesters are concerned?
There have been multiple cases of abusers continuing their practice within the congregation, in part, because they were not known as abusers by the members of the congregation. Is that something that you're ok with?
hot topic on topix seems to be candace conti settlement.
but it's all quiet here.
are you guys aware that your hero, who was not in it for the money but to change policies, settled without changing anything?
hot topic on topix seems to be candace conti settlement.
but it's all quiet here.
are you guys aware that your hero, who was not in it for the money but to change policies, settled without changing anything?
There have been changes probably because of Conti. The 2012 letter included some changes.
As I've stated before, you can't put a corporation in prison. Punishment by money is the only way to punish a corporation. The government does the same thing by imposing fines to corporations who break the law. With secular corporations you can impose oversight, but with religious organizations it is very difficult due to the First Amendment. I'm not against the First Amendment and Freedom of Religion, but it does make it difficult and/or impossible to punish religious organizations.
It's obvious that the congregations were negligent in handling a known child molester. Sending a letter of recommendation stating that Kendricks was good with kids when it was known that he molested his own daughter is an obvious mishandling of the situation. This is just one way that the congregation and the WT corporation (which legislates the BOE) were negligent.
You can feel/say what you want, but MONEY TALKS. We live in a free market society and money is the way business is run, how the people decide which businesses prosper, and how the WBTS and all religions continues to operate.
Do you have any examples of how other religious organizations have been punished in the US besides money? I'm asking because I know of none and would be interested to read about them.
There is no perfect way to handle a child molester. Some change and many don't. States at least keep a public list of convicted molesters that allow parents to find out if they have a convicted child molester living near them. Within the congregation, most parents assume that their children are safe as the elders have their best interests at heart and don't search their own congregation members. The sad truth is that this trust is what allows the child molesters to continue their practice.
While I don't agree that their names should be announced from the platform, I do feel that more could be done by the congregation to protect the children. Known molesters should NEVER be allowed ANY position of authority within the congregation. Letters of introduction should include that this person was convicted of or admitted to molesting a child regardless of how long ago it happened. Instead of stating, "Never suggest to anyone that they should not report an allegation of child abuse to the police or other authorities," parents should be told of their rights to report the abuse to the police. Parents should not be told that they cannot speak of what allegedly happened. While this may be slanderous, it could also draw out other victims. Keeping parents quiet by threatening reproof or df helps to hide the truth and further victimizes them.
"hot topic on topix seems to be candace conti settlement.
but it's all quiet here.
are you guys aware that your hero, who was not in it for the money but to change policies, settled without changing anything?".
There have been changes probably because of Conti. The 2012 letter included some changes.
As I've stated before, you can't put a corporation in prison. Punishment by money is the only way to punish a corporation. The government does the same thing by imposing fines to corporations who break the law. With secular corporations you can impose oversight, but with religious organizations it is very difficult due to the First Amendment. I'm not against the First Amendment and Freedom of Religion, but it does make it difficult and/or impossible to punish religious organizations.
It's obvious that the congregations were negligent in handling a known child molester. Sending a letter of recommendation stating that Kendricks was good with kids when it was known that he molested his own daughter is an obvious mishandling of the situation. This is just one way that the congregation and the WT corporation (which legislates the BOE) were negligent.
You can feel/say what you want, but MONEY TALKS. We live in a free market society and money is the way business is run, how the people decide which businesses prosper, and how the WBTS and all religions continues to operate.
Do you have any examples of how other religious organizations have been punished in the US besides money? I'm asking because I know of none and would be interested to read about them.
i'm just wondering if the book is available to be listened to in any format?
i know that it can be found online and read freely, and i've been through some of it, but i just wondered if it was available in any other way.
i guess it would be lacking some of the copies of articles and such that were in the original book, but it would still be interesting.
on one hand, wtbts blame you if you choose to work instead of pioneering, and on the another hand, they ask crazily amount of money!.
isn't it paradoxal ?.
if every jw leave his job and pioneer, no more money!.
i think a very simple reason may be because the very young are pretty much the only ones naive enough to take the plunge these days.
with the internet available to inform people about the deceptive lies printed by the wt corporation it seems that they are getting their member from the less informed population like the elderly and the very young.
they/gb hate higher education because they loose members who get one and so they are focusing on those that are dumb enough to believe their boogie man bull shit about jehovah choosing their corporation and anybody not a part of it he will destroyed at armageddon.. also we need to consider that they view these young people as a potential free labor source so the sooner you get them hooked into baptism with the threat of disfellowshipping you can get more free labor out of them..
I was saddened recently when we had my wife's niece stay with us for 3 weeks. She was recently baptized and was pioneering that month. She told me that she hated preaching but needed to keep doing it until she liked it. Every time I would do or say something that was not quite JW, she would say, "Jesus is disappointed in you." I know she was joking but I could see the cult persona kick in.
She's home schooled so she has no connection to anyone who is not a JW. Of course, JW literature is heavily used in her schooling. I'm hoping that I can stay in long enough to help her get out. She's a very smart girl and doesn't deserve to be stunted by this religion. It'll help if my wife wakes up and joins me in this quest.
She usually spends several weeks a year with us, so I/we may be able to get her to think outside of JW teachings.
i'm just wondering if the book is available to be listened to in any format?
i know that it can be found online and read freely, and i've been through some of it, but i just wondered if it was available in any other way.
i guess it would be lacking some of the copies of articles and such that were in the original book, but it would still be interesting.
Does anyone know where the pdf formatt is, I have tried to buy it but amazon want to charge hundreds of dollars if u live in the uk!!!
PM'd you the link.