Conventions will go to 2 days but will somehow cost more.
Doesn't matter what they "cost" nowadays because the don't announce the costs or donations for the 3 day RCs anymore. At least, they haven't at any of the ones I've been to in the last 2-3 years. They simply make an announcement that you can donate if you appreciate the convention.
If the GB do encourage this then they could also deal with issues re. married couples doing oral and having sex for pleasure by saying that 'New Light' shows us that sex should only be used for procreation.
I'd better stop now ... I don't want to be giving them ideas
Please do. They actually covered oral and anal at an elders training just a few years ago. What they covered in the training got back to my wife and caused some.... uh.... problems. Had to do a lot of additional research to make those problems go away. I'm glad that they haven't covered it with the congregation in a WT since the 80s.