I don't think the stoppage is permanent, especially the KH and AH building. They may consolidate branches, but I fully see them continuing the KH and AH building next year. KHs and AHs are one measure that the R&F see as growth. Branches only supply the material and don't necessarily indicate growth, especially if the same information can be supplied with a consolidated setup. If they stopped building KHs and AHs, then the R&F would know that something was amiss.
There's also the speculation that they are planning on reselling KHs as a revenue stream. Can't do that if they don't build them. I don't think that's their intention. They don't seem smart enough to pull off a scam like that. Too many leaks anyway to keep it quiet. I think they are deluded into thinking that they are God's channel and need the KHs to continue the growth. Remember they said that there is big increase in attendance when a new KH is built. So that would also help increase their revenue.