Does anyone know where the pdf formatt is, I have tried to buy it but amazon want to charge hundreds of dollars if u live in the uk!!!
PM'd you the link.
i'm just wondering if the book is available to be listened to in any format?
i know that it can be found online and read freely, and i've been through some of it, but i just wondered if it was available in any other way.
i guess it would be lacking some of the copies of articles and such that were in the original book, but it would still be interesting.
Does anyone know where the pdf formatt is, I have tried to buy it but amazon want to charge hundreds of dollars if u live in the uk!!!
PM'd you the link.
i'm just wondering if the book is available to be listened to in any format?
i know that it can be found online and read freely, and i've been through some of it, but i just wondered if it was available in any other way.
i guess it would be lacking some of the copies of articles and such that were in the original book, but it would still be interesting.
it seems to me that the religion is nearly dead.
or dying.
very little pulse exists for the organization.
i'm just wondering if the book is available to be listened to in any format?
i know that it can be found online and read freely, and i've been through some of it, but i just wondered if it was available in any other way.
i guess it would be lacking some of the copies of articles and such that were in the original book, but it would still be interesting.
i'm just wondering if the book is available to be listened to in any format?
i know that it can be found online and read freely, and i've been through some of it, but i just wondered if it was available in any other way.
i guess it would be lacking some of the copies of articles and such that were in the original book, but it would still be interesting.
I'm using vidtomp3. So far it is converting each one just fine. Just make sure to uncheck the box that says something about using a download accelerator when you get to the download page. I only had to uncheck it on the first conversion. I'm up to chapter 6 and it has converted each one without an issue so far.
yep, the cult fest is upon us....3 days of my life i will not get back....ughhhhhhhh.
and my wife has been slipping in to cult mode the last 2 know the look.
almost like a glazed over look with a side of guilt and a side of narrow mindedness.
Probably too late now, but have you seen the info on how to setup a PirateBox? I plan on doing this at my convention to see how many may connect to me and download apostate literature. Otherwise, you can play convention bingo.
I've found that asking questions in a sincere manner has helped my wife to think about the doctrines. I never attack them, but pose questions that I sincerely have. I do this a little at a time. Usually I pose them as coming from my brother (who isn't a JW). I'd use a coworker, but I work from home so I have little contact with them.
i mean e cigs and vaping.
not even tobacco inhaling but inhaling other stuff like herbs etc.
is this allowed?
The correlation to spiritism blows me away. I was not taught this growing up, but discovered it later. I was taught, like most other JWs, that smoking was banned because we should be physically clean.
I like how some very addictive rx drugs are ok because a doctor signed off on it. Or how the drug alcohol is ok, because Jesus drank it. If only there was an account of him smoking weed.
i'm just wondering if the book is available to be listened to in any format?
i know that it can be found online and read freely, and i've been through some of it, but i just wondered if it was available in any other way.
i guess it would be lacking some of the copies of articles and such that were in the original book, but it would still be interesting.
it seems to me that the religion is nearly dead.
or dying.
very little pulse exists for the organization.
All the "growth" is in the foreign language congregations. The zealous JWs moved to those congregations a long time ago. It's not uncommon for 50% or more of a foreign language congregation to be pioneers. My guess is that when the zealous ones left to "expand their ministry" the result was that the English congregations were left with those who are in mainly because of family or because it's what they are used to.
It is a tired religion. I'm tired of hearing the end is soon. I'm tired of being beaten with guilt. I'm tired of having to re-learn "The Truth" every decade. I'm tired of the double standards for elders vs the rest of the congregation. I'm tired of hearing from pioneers and other full time servants how Jehovah provides for them while they take handouts and gifts from those who work in the real world and give in order to assuage some of the guilt for not being a full time servant themselves.
I could go on, but you get my drift. :)
a situation regarding this religion has developed which i fear might have negative implications on me and wifes lives, and i'm looking for thoughts and advice in how to approach the situation.
i'll start with some background information to enlighten the situation.. i'm a male in mid-twenties, raised secularly, married to an ex-jw woman (on paper still a jw though), who's been raised in the jw religion, although somewhat untheocratically shall i say.
for instance her mother has 5 children with 3 different men, all non-jws, and has had many other relationships as well.
If she's not against it, now is the time to get her to view "apostate" material: jwfacts, Cedar's YouTube channel, etc. If she won't do that, then definitely start discussions about all things JW that don't make sense: 1914, 1925, 1975, child abuse scandals, UN scandal, etc. JWFacts has a great page on using the Socratic method to help someone wake up from the cult: JWFacts - Helping Someone Leave.