JoinedPosts by tim3l0rd
History of the JW movement in Mexico
by StarTrekAngel inhere is a fairly detailed article on the history of the movement in mexico.
it's in spanish, but i passed it thru google translate and it does a pretty good job at translating the document.
it's an article from one of the most prestigious universities in mexico.. being in a predominantly hispanic circuit, we have several brother and sisters from mexico who were witnesses under the conditions that existed back then.
I wish there was a secular source that recounted this history. I'd like to use it to show some of my family the way WBTS protects its money and spins the truth. Unfortunately this history quotes from Crisis of Conscience. -
1993 AWAKE on Child Abuse
by The_Doctor10 in10/8/93 awake article about child abuse misconceptions, checkout the second misconception: children fantasize or lie about abuse.. this article notes how it's extremely unlikely that children lie in cases of abuse (95% in some estimates are truthful) and how even among the ones who lie it's usually when they make a claim (in truth) but then subsequently lie and say it didn't happen, when in actuality, it did.. given this knowledge, why the two witness rule?
95% odds that the child who claims abuse is telling the truth by the awakes own admission, that should be more than enough to change policies of the wts.. http://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/g19931008/about-child-abuse/#?insight%5bsearch_id%5d=8d161c40-c4d0-4ddb-aadf-bcf2b480d55b&insight%5bsearch_result_index%5d=0.
The problem is not "the two witness rule". The problem is that they view it as a sin instead of as a crime. It is rape of a child. The problem is that they don't report it as a crime or encourage the parents to do so. They don't need a 2nd witness to do that. Who cares if the guy is df'd or not? Who cares if he ends up on a secret list up in NY? They'll never give up the 2 witness rule as they hold the bible as their highest power above any common sense.
If they would report every instance of child abuse, then the abusers would be properly investigated and the abused could get actual help by those trained for such problems. They would also get their "2nd witness" in many cases as prior letters to the boe state that the physical evidence can be the 2nd witness. More abusers would be df'd. But honestly I would rather that the abusers be turned in to the authorities so that they could be put on the national sexual predator list. I'd prefer that over the abuser being df'd. Then parents could easily check the list to see if any in their congregation were on that list.
The media and most here are attacking the wrong policy. Instead of attacking the "two witness" policy, attack the "call the legal department first" policy. Attack the "we report where required" policy. Those policies need to change. Then the "two witness" rule would have very little impact on the outcome of child abuse cases.
Not sure how to interpret this...anyone else?
by ron rawson inthe following transaction has occurred in:conti v. watchtower bible & tract society of new yorkcase: s226656, supreme court of californiadate (yyyy-mm-dd): 2015-07-08event description: petition ordered withdrawnfor more information on this case, go to:http://appellatecases.courtinfo.ca.gov/search/case/disposition.cfm?dist=0&doc_id=2109889&doc_no=s226656for opinions, go to:http://www.courts.ca.gov/opinions-slip.htmdo not reply to this e-mail.
messages sent to this e-mail address will not be processed.
If you look at the history of the case, just prior to this documents were filed informing the court that the parties reached a settlement. This latest order just withdraws the WBTS's petition for review (appeal) that they filed after losing (partially) to Candace. No need for the appeal now since a settlement was reached. -
Disfellowshipped at 18
by asensier inyou can probably guess how this story goes.. i began dating a non-witness boy.
he knew i was a baptised witness and understood the consequences i faced for dating him.
we agreed to keep our relationship secret, which was easy considering our 200 mile distance.
I agree with traveb. Let your family know that you love them even though you don't see eye to eye on religious beliefs. You might want to mention that you feel you were too young to make such a big commitment at 16. This may give your parents something to think about.
Also, don't go wild and crazy and end up in a position where you have to "crawl back". Sometimes that happens no matter what we do, but it's best avoided as it would only serve to reinforce their opinion that those that leave JWs end up failing.
Reliable source - new round of US Bethel layoffs coming soon
by sir82 inwas talking to an ex-bethelite who is still very well-connected to those in the ivory tower.. he says that there will soon be a(nother) large number of us bethelites who will be "reassigned to the field" as pioneers and special pioneers.. he did not give his source, but he is pretty reliable.
incidentally, he was "reassigned to the field" in the last big purge about 7 years ago.. i imagine those so reassigned would be pretty teed off.
let go just before the golden lakeshore palace was completed..
He has a piddling little minimum-wage 10 or 15 hour part time job somewhere, and daddy pays for pioneering ($25,000 Jeep, free gas & health insurance, free rent to live at home, free family vacations to Europe, etc.)
How is it that the R&F buy into the idea that everyone should pioneer. In almost every example I've seen, the pioneering/full-time service skips a generation. The pioneers/full-time servants are reliant on other people to continue living. Not everyone can pioneer or enter the full-time service and the org keep on running.
I'm not sure if the higher ups know this and press it because they know that those who can't will feel guilty and support them monetarily to assuage the guilt or truly buy into the idea that "Jehovah will provide" if the majority of JWs finally quit their job and pioneer. I've heard it said by a CO and at a convention that having everyone pioneer and reduced contributions would be a good problem to have and that Jehovah would provide.
Are JWs trying to make dysfunctional kids and destroy their ability to live normal lives?
by C0ntr013r inare jws trying to make dysfunctional kids that wont "fit" in normal society so they will "return to jehovah"?
because there have been many stories about young people who have been out in the world only to find how bad it was and how correct the org was.. a good jw kid with "good" jw parents will have many big issues, some examples:.
fear of demons (fear, misfit).
I don't think the borg designs anything very well and surely does not have the forethought to create this kind of situation by design. They don't employ psychologists or child psychologists. They hold to the Bible as the best guidance and dismiss any recommendations by man. The recent videos directed at youths and teens is a knee-jerk reaction to them bleeding young people each year. -
by DATA-DOG inbreaking news from co!!
according to a reliable source, the co in my area says that jws may have been hearing the phrase, "final push" being used.
what sage advice did this shepherd, duke, and "star" of revelation have to say?
List of Prominent JW Urban Legends...
by Tuesday inhey folks,.
i'm wondering if you all could help me with my next video that i want to put up in the next couple of days (though i'm hoping for tonight), i want to come up with a list of the most prominent urban legends surrounding jws and then refute them whatever they may be.. i'm thinking there's the urban legend about the question on jeopardy that said the nwt was the most accurate would be a good one.
that one stems from an online powerpoint presentation named theological jeopardy and a book which was written comparing six different translations of the bible.
She turns and finds her husband's body slashed in slices. The police, after analyzing the body, said the cuts were so precise and perfect that couldn't have been done by a human hand
Gruesome! JWs love their gruesome tales as long as it's seen visually in a movie... lol
Reliable source - new round of US Bethel layoffs coming soon
by sir82 inwas talking to an ex-bethelite who is still very well-connected to those in the ivory tower.. he says that there will soon be a(nother) large number of us bethelites who will be "reassigned to the field" as pioneers and special pioneers.. he did not give his source, but he is pretty reliable.
incidentally, he was "reassigned to the field" in the last big purge about 7 years ago.. i imagine those so reassigned would be pretty teed off.
let go just before the golden lakeshore palace was completed..
They also need some to head up the LDC groups that they are creating. My understanding is that they will have full-time servants working in each LDC. -
Donation to WWW raised last night.
by freemindfade inso there was announcements last night that the set amount of donation was going to be raised.
i don't believe out hall has a mortgage or "forgiven" mortgage.
but the hall already donates a set amount above what is put in the www box, from the local fund.
Our congregation gives very little (poor ASL congregation). The local needs talk was about giving. He spent 90% of the talk discussing about giving of ourselves to help others in the hall, but finally got around to giving more to the congregation as our contributions have been shy of our expenses for almost a year now.