Gotta love people with made up statistics! The fact is that current laws limit how late a woman can get an abortion. While I understand some of the reasoning behind this, the truth is that most pregnancies that make it to 20 weeks or past are wanted pregnancies. Very few women would wait until their 20th - 24th week to decide that they wanted an abortion. Most abortions that happen after 20 weeks are done because there is something drastically wrong.
I recently read an account of a couple where the woman's cervix would not hold the child in. After multiple consultations and procedures it was determined that there was no hope of saving the child. Because of the laws in her state, Texas, no abortions were allowed after 20 weeks even when medically necessary. Even inducing labor was seen as an abortion because the fetus would not survive.
Instead of being able to end their's and the fetus's suffering quickly, they had to wait for the fetus to slowly, over the course of 2 days, to fall out. It was torturous for the couple. That's the kind of thing that happens when government imposes laws without thinking of all the consequences.