Yeah im a reformed one, had a spill years ago and decided that i love speed too much.
I had my knee down round a fast roundabout, well gravity is a bitch!
would love another though, but my mate pete lost his leg a few years ago, when he was popping a mono down Princes Highway and lost it, nearly lost both his legs the moron. after that happened, I just admire bikes now.
JoinedPosts by skinnyboy
Are there any bikers out there ???
by bull01lay inhow many of you are ex jw bikers ??
i remember it was frowned upon when i had a bike - risking life and limb on english roads didn't go down too well with some of the more conservative elders.. what kind of bike do you ride ?.
me, i ride a honda goldwing, gl1500 sem - american import.
To all Victorian, Australian members.
by Lehaa in.
i'm dead serious here.. all of you are invited here tomorrow night to a b'day party.. my partner is turning 40 tomorrow and we're having a huge bash here.. he's told me that i can invite whoever i want, but alas, but to my dub raising i have no none, but my mum, to invite.. so if you live in victoria and you're at a loose end tomorrow night, saturday the 5th of november, pm me and i'll give you the details.. don't worry, i not stupid, will be checking everyone out b4 i give my personal details..
Hey I'd love to come, but it feels wierd because i don;t know you. don;t take that the wrong way lol... Anyhoo, have a great parteh, sink back a few coldies for me. Mark
Do you watch satanic movies or ghost shows?
by ButtLight ini remember when i was younger, and flipping through the channels, and seeing the girls head on the exorsist spinning around.
i freaked and turned it of really quick.
i thouhgt a demon was going to come out of the tv!
no demons or any of that crap for me, it bores me. I like intelligent horror movies though. Theres a new aussie flick out called Wolf Creek, if you ever want to backpack around Australia, watch this first! Its supposed to be so realistic, you can smell the Magic tree air freshener in the psychos Ute! Supposed to be horrific though, so definately go and see it!
Wolf Creek, my reccomendation for the month of November.
Next month I'll be reviewing "The land Before time XXVI" The day they get toasted by a comet! -
Watchtower and Christmas...
by zeroday inwe all know the watchtower is the final authority and god's sole means of communications with true christians today, and it is the season.
so if any of your jw family or friends should be interested in what the watchtower says about christmas you might want to share this with them:.
watchtower december 1, 1904 p.364.
i bet Russell and Rutherford were so tight fisted that they thought this one up so they didn;t have to buy anyone a christmas pressie. Tightarses'
"so Charles, what are you getting Mrs Russell for Christmas, a new gown perhaps?"
"A GOWN???, get thee behind me Satan, we don't celebrate christmas"
"ehh why perchance"
"because everyone else does, its pure genius, i want as many people to be as miserable a bastard as I am"
"figures" -
If the WTS was totally discredited in the eyes of the JWs
by greendawn inif a really big scandal happened in the wts and the r&f realised that the organisation is the big con that it is, how do you think they would react?
empty kingdom halls?
divided families re united?
2 words:
Stockholm Syndrome.
I pray for that day though.
i'll be there, "told you so" will be the first thing out of my mouth.
Followed by,
and so on -
Lurker comes out of hiding : )
by happy1975 ini've been lurking for months, reading your posts nearly every day.
i finally decided to come out of hiding because i need help.
i post on another board that has nothing whatsoever to do with religion and i saw this post-.
she sounds like shes been love bombed!!! The usual borg tactic, smother them in niceties until they think theyre in, then start chipping away, chip chip chip... Take a note of her email, im pretty sure when shes at the point where shes taking Aropax for the fug of depression shes in, and she hasn't any true friends left, she'll email you.
After Armageddon?
by ScaryHairy inhey, i was wondering what does the society say about after armageddon, (is it you live forever in paradise ?
quoting Josh:
it's like they couldn;t even let you freaking enjoy paradise for the first thousand years tears without a bunch of fear and guilt thrown in for good measure.
BINGO! I used to balk at that, its like, oh havent we been good enough to survive your ethnic cleansing in the first place, only to get another shot at it, what are we dogs or something?? Bastards, what head fucking psycho makes this shit up, and us plebs believed it once. For all the JW apologists on here, wake up and smell the stench. Your being led by fools. -
Dont be so hard on satan
by gringojj ini think people forget that satan was a creation of god, just like all of us and everything else.
obviously god had a purpose in creating satan.
god has love for everyone and everything, including satan.
funniest line ever in the simpsons:
Mr Burns upon seeing the Devil, to Smithers:
"Who's that goat-legged fellow, i like the cut of his jib"
Smithers: Its the Prince of Darkness sir, your 2 o'clock!
The whole God/Satan is all grap anyways, what era are we in people, the dark ages still? -
Hello all!
by Dub inhey guys, how is it going?
ironically, my nickname is dub and has been since i was in the 5th grade!
i stumbled upon the forum one day while i was at school and have been browsing ever since.
man get baptised, it means jack anyways! You get a truck and a free perve at sister in their cozzies! only joking mate, you dad is way out of line, talk to him and then give him an ultimatum about going to the elders. I'm sure they'll see it in a different light. Good luck champ!
I was reading a post today about the kingdom songs we sang as JW's.
by booker-t ini was thinking about the kingdom songs we sang as jw's and was wondering about you posters out there that are ex-jw's or still jw's what was you all time favorite "kingdom song" or what was you all time horrible song that we sang from both songbooks (1966 songbook or the later songbook made in 1984 sing praises to jehovah.
my favorite song was song #119 in the 1966 songbook "keep your eyes on the prize".
i like this song because it made me feel that armaggeddon was coming fast and the "new system" would be here to give me the prize.
"Kiss the son lest God be angry and you perish in the way"
OMG how i laughed when i saw this topic, i had to post!! If there was ever a song that made me laugh it was this one, i thought as a kid "kiss the son? isn't that a bit gay?"
my mate at the hall, his dad used to crack me up when the singing started. He used to say the words to the next line to his younger son, but imagine Terry Thomas or Leslie Phillips saying it, you get my drift? I used to howl laughing!
They were truly dire songs though, i remember imagining the wannabe Pavarotti's dying to read the program at the Assembly on the off chance that "We're jehovahs Witnesses" would be on the playlist so they could have their time in the sun! Tragic, like hoping the Eagles might not do Hotel California... As if!
Now i'm humming "Myriads and Myriads..." Everytime i hear the Waltons theme tune, it reminds me of that song for some reason.