As a Dub, did you tend to color every slight and small injustice in your day as persecution? I just learned today, that my elder at work discovered a small error in his paycheck that payroll made. He immediately ran to the Union, as well as any to co-workers who would listen, and said I must have messed up his pay because I have something personal against him, me being an ex Witless, and knowing he's an elder. Therefore, to annoy him, I must somehow be behind the accounting error in payroll. Even the Union steward explained to him I had nothing to do with it but he is determined that because I'm a former Dub, I must want to persecute him. What the heck??? If his customers complain about him, it's becuz they don't like the Witlesses. If his co-workers slight him, it's because he's a Witless. Were we that hyper sensitive too at one time?
JoinedPosts by Virgogirl
Did you feel picked on and persecuted?
by Virgogirl inas a dub, did you tend to color every slight and small injustice in your day as persecution?
i just learned today, that my elder at work discovered a small error in his paycheck that payroll made.
he immediately ran to the union, as well as any to co-workers who would listen, and said i must have messed up his pay because i have something personal against him, me being an ex witless, and knowing he's an elder.
Assemblies: Were You Always on the Prowl for a Mate?
by prophecor init was usually encouraged that we try to remain single somewhere during the assembly, especially the summer conventions.
some of you sisters were so hott with your summer dresses, hair freshly done.
though i went for the obligatory meeting attendance, it was nice to be able to go on a fishing expedition for sisters, if that was your choosing.
Yes, I was always on the prowl to mate!
What JW's are saying regarding the downsizing at Bethel
by jimbob ini haven't posted anything for a while on jwd due to being busy with work and school, but this email was to much of a crack up not to post.
this was sent to my wife today from her old jw friend.
she forwarded it to me and i'm posting it with her permission.
Sir82 says, "Brother Totters, here's a phone and a list of names..." I wonder where these poor elderly are supposed to be phoning from? The lovely apartment Crooklyn will no doubt set them up in, all utilities paid, and phone bill taken care of too, no doubt? What about the very old, who desire to just plain RETIRE, and have no pension after all those years, and are getting booted out in the dead of winter? Yes, very loving and caring arrangements will surely be made by Jepoopah's Organization!
My elder at work is always complaining about the lack of love shown in the congregation.
The Watchtower Society achieved their goal
by Honesty in.
they were able to use the united nations to get access into countries where their literature had previously been banned or rejected.. i just wonder why they don't give the united nations a little credit in the publications when they announce that new doors have been opened up for the kingdom preaching work?
The Witchtower was never affiliated with the UN! Only those awful apostates think that, hahaha!
Service Meeting Week Starting January 2, 2006
by TheListener insong 5. note: congregations are not to move their service meeting for the week of january 2 to an earlier night unless the circuit overseer is visiting.
in every congregation, the convention insert should be considered on the service meeting as scheduled.
if there is a circuit assembly this week, book study overseers should announce the convention location and dates at their regularly scheduled book studies.
Great, another convention. When is it? This means my elder-employee will be calling in sick for those days so he can go!
How stressed were you as a JW?
by JH ini don't know about you guys, but it stressed me alot to be a jw.. i never did like talking in public, in front of a group, or going door to door.. gee, i hated the tms meeting.
the moment i knew that i had a talk, i became nervous and often i had a hard time sleeping.
just knowing that i had to talk for 5 minutes in front of the whole congrgation got me nervous weeks ahead of time.
I was literally skin and bones at my lowest point as an elders's only teenage daughter. Just going into the Hall made my stomach churn and I fought nausea thru the entire meeting. I could barely eat, and the nausea and stomach pain took over, all my waking hours, not confined any more to just at meetings. I went on ulcer medications, and it helped some. Then, the terrible headaches began. I finally had to quit the TM school That helped some, as I was down to 94 lbs. But nothing relieved my stress related symptoms like moving out of my parents house and never going to another meeting! Wow, what a relief! My stomach is perfectly fine now. Occasionally, when work's stressful, my stomach cramps and I remember those dark days at the hall. I know now, my health problems were purely from stress. It's not normal for a 16 year old girl to develope ulcers like I did.
How much time does the WTBT$$ have left?
by TallTexan inobviously, there is no answer to this, i just think it's an interesting ??.
my personal opinion is that within 10 years, the wts will be a shell of it's current (and especially former) self.
it may not even take that long.
Gary, that was an incredibly eye opening insight! That answers my question of why my elderly parents, who are not stupid, blind people, keep going to the Hall! It isn't for the Sunday talk, or the bookstudy, it's to visit with their friends, lifelong ones, who are good people and dear to them. They daydream through the bla-bla-bla drone of the talk, and then have a nice time socializing!
My conversation with an elder
by Dune inwell this happened to me a few weeks ago, but i chose to post it later because i'm paranoid.
anyway, i was riding in field service with an elder and our conversation turned to apostasy.
well, he turned it to apostasy because he usually dominates 99% of the conversations we have.but i digress, this is how our conversation went.
StillAwitness, lots of us graduating high school in the 70's weren't allowed to go to college, even tho we had scholarships. I was in 10th grade in 1975 and no amount of pleading from my teachers would change my parents minds, because it was more important to preach in the last hours before Armageddon struck. My Grandfather handed my Father a check for 15k to pay my way through college and my Father handed it back to him. He never asked ME what I wanted to do. Many in the Hall sold their homes and bought trailers so they could full time pioneer, after all, it was just for a few months and then the end would be here! So! Here we all are, and some of us are angry that this happened to us, but to make it worse, they are doing it again, to the next generation of college age people. Aviod higher education, preach, preach, preach, the end is coming any second, bla-bla! Every time I think about that check, it riles me up, because I wound up struggling to pay my own way later.
What a handsome guy! We always keep a bowl filled for the strays that come by.