I have 2 sets. Mainly because of the artists, Milo Manara and H.R. Giger.
They have never got down from the shelf and walked around or anything.
this is my big chance to get out of the jw mindset, if i could place in hands a pack of tarot cards!
anybody else the freaky about them!.
star tiger.
I have 2 sets. Mainly because of the artists, Milo Manara and H.R. Giger.
They have never got down from the shelf and walked around or anything.
i've wanted to make this account for the past 2 weeks, but ive been afraid that ill get caught by posting.
do they check this site?.
im 18 years old,baptized at 14. really my problems started a few weeks ago.
......Oh, and welcome to JWN!
i've wanted to make this account for the past 2 weeks, but ive been afraid that ill get caught by posting.
do they check this site?.
im 18 years old,baptized at 14. really my problems started a few weeks ago.
I envy you for knowing what you know at age 18.
i have been reading things for a while.
in approximately 20 months it will be the year 2014. that year will be 1914+100 years.
i don't know how the wts is going to get around that if the "present system" is still in existence.
They will blame the members for putting too much faith in the 1914 date.
And people will buy it. "Well....I guess we did. But it doesn't matter because armaggedon is soooooooooo close."
so this story was discussed earlier in another thread.
a line from the story has really been bugging me since reading it:.
Actually....I don't think this is that cultish at all(well, not too much).
I think they want to be away from any bad publicity that their social ineptness causes like on 9/11.
Out in the middle of nowhere there really isn't many people to turn away if a disaster strikes.
Plus I think if they can get a good price for their Brooklyn properties and build for less, why not?
They will probably need all that extra money to pay off settlements anyways.
I just wonder if they are going to find a way to make the congregations pay for it while keeping the Brooklyn money.
dear friends,.
it has been a long time since i have posted.
time heals much pain, and finally, my family and i have been able to move on with our life outside of jw land.. many of you became our friends, our support system, and you know very well our exit story...we were labeled, slandered and disfellowshipped for having questions regarding the date 607. we sent out letters exposing the elders and circuit overseer to over 200 families.
I haven't even heard her yet but she is already my favorite country singer.
I'm sure that is his top priority!
this is actually not a former witness or anything, this is a cracked style article.
i think it's pretty funny, i think it's evidence that the wt is not going to be around forever.
I put up paranoid-eye wallpaper. I love it!
are we sure that its not really about jw's?
the writers aren't former cult members?.
i find the sci fi bits a little hard to understand, would appreciate some enlightening before i move on to numbers 2 and 3 please?.
Great movie, eh? It's one of my favorites.
The 2nd and 3rd aren't as good but I still like them a lot and enjoy the ride.
I know that the Wachowski's are comic book fans and before those movies were made there was a comic book trend that, "everything you know is wrong."
If you want, check out Grant Morrisson's The Invisibles. Grant was even pissed off that some of The Matrix seemed to be a blatent swipe of his book.
with bizarre names like pac-man, asteroids, space invaders, battlezone and donkey kong, video games have landed themselves not only in amusement arcades but also in corner drugstores, supermarkets, gas stations, fast-food parlors and nearly everywhere else that people congregate.
their beeps and booms and colorful lights have captured the fancy and imagination of a new generation of players to the point of obsession.. other than the obvious appeal to teenagers and its commercial success, the proliferation of arcade video games has triggered reactions ranging from strong parental protests to outright government bans.
in the philippines, president marcos officially banned the games and gave owners two weeks to destroy them.
Their beeps and booms and colorful lights have captured the fancy and imagination of a new generation of players to the point of obsession.
But the big question is: Does that 1982 generation overlap with todays generation?