What a great opportunity to witness to those construction workers!
Jehoober works in mysterious ways.
so worldly people do it for them.. .
ok, i watch the show once in a while.
What a great opportunity to witness to those construction workers!
Jehoober works in mysterious ways.
it's well known that jehovah's witnesses are a mind control cult.
most would agree on that point.
but have you noticed the clever ( allegedly ) way they try to blur meanings of words to control their rank and file members and any prospective incoming members ?.
Spiritual is a word that got to me too.
Some years after I had stopped going, I was taking a mandatory health class for college. The instructor mentioned that we need to keep ourselves healthy physically, mentally and spiritually. I rolled my eyes at the last one and he went on to define spirituality as being ok with what happens to you when you die. Believe whatever you want but just be comfortable and have resolved within yourself what may or may not happen when we die.
I immediately thought, "If that is the case, I'm so much more spiritual now then when I thought it was about how much time you put in field service each month."
i have almost quit caring about this stuff - but i saw a scan somewhere of a 'preface' or 'forward' to a new wts pub, that slammed da persons pretty hard.
i think that reading this infomation might be the reason that my cousin [also my absolute best friend for 35 years] has now elected to stop any contact with me.
i would like to confirm the info and disect it a bit.. can anyone tell me what book i saw, and whether it is out there somewhere for dl ?.
Just don't try and tell the elders that your relative is neither a fornicator or a greedy person.
As long as their are one armed men, there will be fugitives.
^^^ Awesome version of that song!
all society publications from 1950 -1968 pictures showed jesus as a jew who had short hair and was clean shaven???.
watch 1954 p.511 "why do watchtower books now show jesus with short hair and no beard?....because he is shown that way in representations of him that are older than the traditional effeminate looking pictures.".
watch 1968 p.286 "bible evidence and a recent review shows that jesus did have a beard.
A while after I grew my hair long, I was at a family reunion. Someone didn't recognize me and said, "Who invited Jesus?"
Everyone knows Jesus was a hippy.
Uhmmm....I however, am NOT a hippy.
so, i was at the local mall today and ran into a jw friend that i had grown up with and attended school with.
hadn't seen him in 6 months or so.
he didn't see me, so i had to approach him.
And now that I read all of your answer to him Wing Commander, I see that you said that.
so, i was at the local mall today and ran into a jw friend that i had grown up with and attended school with.
hadn't seen him in 6 months or so.
he didn't see me, so i had to approach him.
Wait-a-minute here.....
Didn't old magazines from that time say that armageddon would be here by now?
So was there supposed to be an economic problem AFTER armageddon?
have posted this on the other thread but just making this one as well:
i need to let you know that dad passed away this morning at 8am.
he fought so hard but in the end they could not get his blood pressure to rise and he died of heart failure.
I am saddened to hear of this.
the end of the show had a very interesting comment on the lds that reminded me of jw's: .
"look, maybe us mormons do believe in crazy stories that make absolutely no sense, and maybe joseph smith did make it all up, but i have a great life.
and a great family, and i have the book of mormon to thank for that.
They still must be destroyed because their answer to the great question is different than the witness answer.