You best go. Otherwise your house will cave in from the snow on the roof, you'll die, and you'll be used from here to armageddon as an example not to miss meetings.
JoinedPosts by Spectre
Meeting Not Cancelled but Postponed
by wisdomfrombelow inthere's a big snowstorm on the east coast and i found out that the school and service meeting was not cancelled but postponed to tomorrow.
why do they think it's so important to have it so they ruin another evening after shoveling snow?
just venting.....
JW. org: "No, we are not a cult. We do not look to any human as our leader."
by Faithful Witness ini know this has been rehashed, time and again, but i saw this interesting blip on last night, and did a little thinking about it.... jw.
org answers the important question that so many have... are jehovah's witnesses a cult?.
jehovah's witnesses do not look to any human as their leader.
It's astonishing that a watchtower writer could write articles saying, "nope! we're not a cult" without something in the brain saying, "heeeeeeyyyy....waitaminute..."
How would you answer these questions that came to me in an email through my website? ...
by AndersonsInfo inmany emails are sent to me through my website,
all are answered.
remember 1corinthians 6: 1-2 (i'll answer this question.
Just my own issue with #11:
If I had graduated high school it would have been in 1984. I didn't because the world was going to end at any second. Why bother putting any effort into something when it's hammered into you that there is no point to it. Anything that I ever wanted to do as an occupation was met with, "oh, we won't need that in the new system."
Some of this is a result of my crazy paranoid schizophenic elder step-dad but hey, he had to get the idea somewhere. I eventually got a couple of associate degrees many years later at the local community college but it would have been nice to see what could have been.
Boring Blockbusters
by compound complex ingreetings, movie buffs:.
i grew up with scary movies of the 1950s -- "the beast from 20,000 fathoms," "forbidden planet," "the thing" (howard hawkes).
in "the thing," the audience gasped when the men surrounding the ice-encased object proved to be circular: a flying saucer!
DATA-DOG: I saw Ray at the San Diego Comic-Con some years ago. We talked about the current CGI movies at the time and I told him that his work had heart and charm to them as opposed to the cold, wrong and clunky effects that early CGI offered. They do CGI a lot better but its gotten to the point of being a crutch.
I blame Michael Bay for the norm of the non-stop action sequence. Actually I shouldn't blame him. I should blame all the decent directors that emulate him that should know better.
Boring Blockbusters
by compound complex ingreetings, movie buffs:.
i grew up with scary movies of the 1950s -- "the beast from 20,000 fathoms," "forbidden planet," "the thing" (howard hawkes).
in "the thing," the audience gasped when the men surrounding the ice-encased object proved to be circular: a flying saucer!
I liked Superman a lot but I will admit the last half was a bit much (also, I hate Kevin Costner).
Pacific Rim was a lot of fun to watch but one shouldn't watch that one for deep character development.
300 I loved but I'm a big Frank Miller fan and you should know what you're getting into before watching that one. Same for Sin City. I heard people complaing about the violence afterwards but with a name like Sin City.....yeah.
A fun one I just watched was Kick-Ass 2. I was rolling with laughter during the whole thing.
I'm almost liking TV shows more now for depth of character. When Anthony Hopkins emails Bryan Cranston to tell him his Walter White was the best acting he's ever seen, made me go on a Breaking Bad marathon. Some other TV shows just seem more rewarding than a 2 hour movie.
JW woman arrested for abuse of granddaughter, trying to expel demon?
by EndofMysteries in
i'm assuming a jw because of the language in the article..... cynthia miller, the accused who is from olympia, wash., appeared before a judge in thurston county superior court for a probable cause hearing through a video conferencing this week, according to miller was ordered held on $40,000 bail after the hearing, during which she appeared confused and at one point denied the allegation.. the probable cause affidavit against miller states she would force her granddaughter to stand in a corner of the family's apartment holding a bible over her head even as other family members would shout "jehovah.
" two other children lived with miller and her husband.. the girl allegedly had bruises and burns on various parts of her body as well as several old fractures to her arms, legs, fingers and toes.. miller and her husband were often angry with the girl and thought she was stealing from others in the family and was evil, according to neighbors..
I don't know.....I wouldn't neccesarily say it's a JW. The name Jehovah has been used by a lot of crazies.
The watchtower quoting itself as if it were scripture about weddings...
by EndofMysteries inthe 1997 wt, 4/15 page 26 is about weddings and more rules the wt tries to enforce to take the fun out of even weddings.
"while a disfellowshipped person could be allowed to attend the talk at the kingdom hall, the watchtower of april 15, 1984, said: it would be unfitting to have in the wedding party people who are disfellowshipped or whose scandalous life-style grossly conflicts with bible principles.
- isn't that funny?
"It is good to bear in mind that our time is precious, since we need time for our ministry, personal study, and other family and congregational pursuits."
Comments like this is part of what drove me out. Translation: If you are not totallly ocd about our crap, god hates you.
Breaking Bad.... Walter White's house
by dazed but not confused inwe are visiting family in albuquerque nm for thanksgiving and we stopped by walter whites house and car wash. were big breaking bad fans.
had a great time.
sorry if the pictures come out too big.. .
I've been on a BB marathon lately. Just started season 5 last night. Such a great show!
Watch out for falling airplane debris while down there!
In general, the people on this forum have a poor outlook spiritually speaking.
by Stand for Pure Worship inso i waz reading the august 15 wt study article, elisha saw fiery chariots, do you?
and it made me think about this forum.
if you remember, syria was hunting god's prophet, elisha.
Does the defintion of spirituality involve how many meeting you attend and how many hours you spend knocking on doors?
Question About 607BCE and How That Date Was Picked - Help JW Scholars
by Comatose inso i've been sharing some a little at a time with my sister.
she is married and very scared of actually learning too much.
she doesn't want to ruin her marriage.
"You cannot condemn it in one place and use it to support you in another."
Of course they can. This is the WT we're talking about here!
Welcome, Aroq.