Hey terry this ones for you.......
I'm proud to look at my flag, i'm proud of many things, and i have a enough pride to say this to you
i don't give a flying rats ass what you think alright, baseically what you said was that it was only puppy love, a fling, and i don't know what i'm doing. Guess what there is such thing as true love. And i've found it, but to my dissapointment, it can never happen. Are you happy. I'm probley gonna be scred up for life, because i can't hold the woman of my dreams.......it's because of ur cult that i may never experience a awsome feeling like this again.....
i hope me and you cross paths some day, so i can give you what you deserve, don't try writeing back things to make me sound like i don't know what i'm saying because this is the last time i'm veiwing this website, and to the other guys...thnx for all ur help,