Archived so they can never claim they didn't say these things.
Thanks fella.
it's doing the rounds but i've not seen it before.. explaining your beliefs about homosexuality.
there are three pages.
here are my thoughts on each question on the pages:.
Archived so they can never claim they didn't say these things.
Thanks fella.
it's doing the rounds but i've not seen it before.. explaining your beliefs about homosexuality.
there are three pages.
here are my thoughts on each question on the pages:.
Is this new?
It's doing the rounds but I've not seen it before.
Explaining Your Beliefs About Homosexuality
There are three pages. Here are my thoughts on each question on the pages:
Sometimes when people say that the Bible is out-of-date,what they really mean is that its standards differ from theirs. Do you think the person you’re talking with feels that all Bible standards are outdated—including its prohibition of theft, adultery and murder?
Some Bible standards are still applicable to today. But some are not, these include:
Allowance of slavery
Allowance of beating of slaves
Prohibition on the eating of pork
Prohibition on touching the mole rat, the mouse, every kind of lizard, the gecko, the large lizard, the newt, the sand lizard, and the chameleon.
Prohibition on beards and masturbation...(oh wait, that's the WT's rules eh?)
And yeah, the prohibition of homosexuality. If animals can be created gay, then what's the issue with people?
What other kinds of conduct can be deeply ingrained? For example, Proverbs 29:22 says that some people are “prone to anger ”and “disposed tor age.” The apostle Paul even said about himself: "When I wish to do what is right, what is bad is present with me.” (Romans 7:21) Must we always act on the urges that we feel?
Your sexuality doesn't have a switch you can throw! It's like if God suddenly said that a man should only sleep with a man. What would the heterosexual population do? Could they suddenly create homosexual feelings? No you morons! You can take anger management classes but you can't change your sexual feelings, you can only spend your life trying to ignore them and getting psychologically damaged in the process.
Might it be that the person has a friend or relative who is gay or lesbian. Does the person think that rejecting what someone practices makes you reject him or her as an individual? Does the person really understand your view of homosexuality?
Also: Are others being tolerant if they expect you to change your view to match theirs?
What they practice is normal, so your rejection of them is wrong! If people rejected you, shunned you because you practice heterosexuality how would that make you feel?
The tragedy is this is aimed at teenagers. Who very probably have got friends who will come out. And this is the support they'll get from Bro Jay Dub.
a-19-e 10/15.
while reading the magazines the other day it occurred to me that jws never really had a very good answer to that question.
because it was aimed at young people and it said something along the lines, "if you believe in god you have a purpose, but if you don't believe in god your life has no purpose or meaning".
i think that is a faulty analysis of the situation.
So, after all of that, what is the purpose of life?
Life doesn't have a purpose - as in one that we need to find out from a God. Rather you can make your life have purpose. And, as a previous poster showed, you can just quote the end of Monty Python's Meaning of Life to summarise what that purpose can be:
Well, it's nothing very special. Try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations.
Simple. That, plus a big dollop of empathy, covers it pretty nicely.
while reading the magazines the other day it occurred to me that jws never really had a very good answer to that question.
because it was aimed at young people and it said something along the lines, "if you believe in god you have a purpose, but if you don't believe in god your life has no purpose or meaning".
i think that is a faulty analysis of the situation.
it is nature. it is the way it is , get used to it.
I am.
But it does not bear the fingerprints of a God. Rather a series of events over aeons of time.
A big bang eventually followed by evolution.
Simple, cold, hard reality. No sky fairies need apply.
while reading the magazines the other day it occurred to me that jws never really had a very good answer to that question.
because it was aimed at young people and it said something along the lines, "if you believe in god you have a purpose, but if you don't believe in god your life has no purpose or meaning".
i think that is a faulty analysis of the situation.
I am a realistic deist, and see in the plight of the poor in these countries, that live in dire conditions, daily, not just in the danger of traffic, storms, waves, a failure of society to care, to share.
The creator seems to reward the strivers
Your vision of God You worship your world view and that's how you can excuse the inexcusable. A creator that created a world for life to live on, but also created it in such a way that earthquakes/tsunamis would kill vast numbers over history would be perverse. It's like a person creating a computer game and designing it so the environment would, over time, kill huge numbers of characters in the game.
A human might well do it for a laugh, but an almighty God? What kind of God would create an environment that would impact on his living creations so cataclysmically, over so many thousands of years?
christopher biggins - the harmless, camp, homosexual, panto star - has been in hot water recently.
in addition to making a tasteless/offensive joke to a jewish contestant in the big brother household, further possibly offensive comments about bisexuality have landed him in hot water.
the offensive jewish joke wasn't broadcast but the comments on bisexuality were.
There was a Bisexuality day only last week:
for any who may be fading, or trying to break free from the society, or those who fear how things will transpire , please do yourself a favour and watch this video!.
it is long, but worth the investment in time, for it will help in many ways.. its called "coming out" by theramin trees, and for those who "come out" about recognising the truth of the society, it will help..
Good shout. These videos are really worth a watch.
They're created by a British guy who left his Church a few years ago. He and his brother both now have channels on You Tube exploring their Atheism.
After they left there church they encountered the JW's and there is a great video covering their experience and how he destroyed a classic JW argument:
There's a brilliant video on the danger of the indoctrination of children:
Another video explores his experience of becoming an apostate, and his parents reaction:
I'd encourage you all to view these. They're really worth a watch.
while reading the magazines the other day it occurred to me that jws never really had a very good answer to that question.
because it was aimed at young people and it said something along the lines, "if you believe in god you have a purpose, but if you don't believe in god your life has no purpose or meaning".
i think that is a faulty analysis of the situation.
victims bear responsibility, not blame, if they build in areas where disasters are guaranteed to happen, like very close to railroad tracks, road sides, as the very poor are forced to do in some countries
How can the poor, who as you say are forced into building in these areas, also bear responsibility?
Where is your God in this oxymoronic statement?
while reading the magazines the other day it occurred to me that jws never really had a very good answer to that question.
because it was aimed at young people and it said something along the lines, "if you believe in god you have a purpose, but if you don't believe in god your life has no purpose or meaning".
i think that is a faulty analysis of the situation.
But the attempt to substitute actual argument with ad hominem psychobablle is pretty transparent.
Of what?