but what proof have you got that The Jehovah's witnesses are God's people and have the truth?"
Ok - let's go!
1. Almighty God's name is Jehovah,the God of Abraham. Which is a well known fact.
No it is not. Jehovah is a hybrid word. A mixture of the tetrgrammartron and adonai. Yahweh is the closest.
2.Jehovah's witnesses sanctify or "hallow" God's name.Lord's prayer: (Matthew 6:9 ).
Jehovahs Witnesses are not known for sanctifying God's name. They are known for child abuse cases, blood transfusions and calling on doors with magazines highlighting a variety of false dates, 1914 being the longest running one of all.
3.Jehovah's witnesses are hated by all nations on account of God's name:( Matthew 24:9)
The only thing that gets on peoples tits is being woken up on Saturday morning with invites to go to a website. Don't delude yourself with this hated by the nations crap. Seriously, you're not ISIS or Al Queda.
4.Jehovah's witnesses do not go to war or take-up weapons:(Matthew 26:52)
True, as with a number of Christian groups. You are NOT unique!
5. Jehovah's witnesses believe and follow all the Bible.They do not pick and choose scriptures to suit themselves.They do not add to the Bible or add made-up words like Crucifixion,Trinity,Ghost, Purgatory etc..
They add made up words like Jehovah, they remove Christ as the mediator for most JW's, the make up doctrines such as a Generation being made up of two overlapping groups...and so on and so on...
6.Jehovah's witnesses preach The Good News of The Kingdom world-wide: ( Matthew 24:14) and to all races,colours,religions etc.. They fully understand what God's Kingdom is,..ie a Government and Jesus reigning as King since 1914.
They preach their interpretation, based on a date that comes from 607 which is a fantasy date as Jerusalem fell in 587.
7. Jehovah's people do not practice false or pagan teachings such as Christmas,Easter,The cross,Hell fire torment,and that all good people go to heaven.
They wear wedding rings and have weddings choca bloc with pagan practices, they use the names of the days of the week (all pagan), can have Pinata's at parties (also pagan...)
8.God's people do not smoke,swear,lie,steal,fornicate, drink-eat blood,use violence,gamble,get drunk or follow the world.
Yes they do. They, may get away with it, they may get reproved, and some may get DF'd but these things do happen. As for child abuses....
9.Jehovah's witnesses do not get involved with politics.They are no part of this world:(John 17:16)
Google JW's and UN NGO or OSCE.
10. The Jehovah's witnesses are the only religion to understand all the Bibles books and prophesies and visions in infinite detail from Genesis 3:15 to Revelation 22:19
No they don't. They just have a never ending carousel of New Light when old predictions run out of time.
Proverbs 4:18 "But the path of righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established" [ the day here meaning the end of this system of things].
See - that's what I mean. There is no evidence that the day here means the end of this system of things. It's just simply made up to explain away changes of belief.
Read what this poster here wrote - he certainly spoke more sense that you do: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/experiences/68661/1/THE-IDIOT60S-GUIDE-TO-BECOMING-A-JEHOVAH60S-WITNESS
Oh wait...that was you.
Whatever guilt trip you are on, start reading JWFacts.com and stop wasting your life away.