Name me one.
BTW, try not making your house payment next month, or if your rich and it's paid off, don't make your property taxes.
Why would I do that?
...or, for those who haven't seen it before, some clarifying information.
if you're an old timer and you saw it before, perhaps you've just forgotten.. at any rate, i thought some of you might have some confusion--and perhaps irritation--put to rest by reviewing this.
scroll down to my post, please.. comf.
Name me one.
BTW, try not making your house payment next month, or if your rich and it's paid off, don't make your property taxes.
Why would I do that?
...or, for those who haven't seen it before, some clarifying information.
if you're an old timer and you saw it before, perhaps you've just forgotten.. at any rate, i thought some of you might have some confusion--and perhaps irritation--put to rest by reviewing this.
scroll down to my post, please.. comf.
Your romantic weekend didn't go the way you wanted?
It went very well, and we both came home smiling contentedly. Why would you have any other idea?
Poor Miata, all it ever wanted was an oil change every 3000 miles.
5000, according to the owner's manual. It got the first one, and the second is due now, thanks to that trip. It'll be forthcoming. Thanks for your concern.
Everything in life takes a commitment
No, it doesn't.
...or, for those who haven't seen it before, some clarifying information.
if you're an old timer and you saw it before, perhaps you've just forgotten.. at any rate, i thought some of you might have some confusion--and perhaps irritation--put to rest by reviewing this.
scroll down to my post, please.. comf.
Thanks, Orbit. Actually, I don't handle hearts. Each person handles his/her own heart, whether conscious of the fact or not.
I can't improve on Kahlil Gibran's take on the matter:
Let there be spaces in your togetherness,
And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.
Love one another but make not a bond of love:
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls. Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup.
Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf.
Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone,
Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music.
Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping.
For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.
And stand together, yet not too near together:
For the pillars of the temple stand apart,
And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow.
...or, for those who haven't seen it before, some clarifying information.
if you're an old timer and you saw it before, perhaps you've just forgotten.. at any rate, i thought some of you might have some confusion--and perhaps irritation--put to rest by reviewing this.
scroll down to my post, please.. comf.
people aren't bagels and bacon
You guys are really having a tough time understanding the limited application of that illustration, aren't you. I thought you were sharper than this.
...or, for those who haven't seen it before, some clarifying information.
if you're an old timer and you saw it before, perhaps you've just forgotten.. at any rate, i thought some of you might have some confusion--and perhaps irritation--put to rest by reviewing this.
scroll down to my post, please.. comf.
It is only about what he wants
It is only, as I pointed out, an illustration to make a point. Did you read on past that point, Orbit? Did you, for example, read this?
"And so I can say of a partner who spends time also with other men, that when she is not with me, what she does is none of my business."
I will tell you folks who are saying women want commitment simply because they're women... you obviously haven't known the same women I have. My experience indicates this interest in polyamory is spread widely across both genders.
...or, for those who haven't seen it before, some clarifying information.
if you're an old timer and you saw it before, perhaps you've just forgotten.. at any rate, i thought some of you might have some confusion--and perhaps irritation--put to rest by reviewing this.
scroll down to my post, please.. comf.
Note, too, the date of that posting.
Care to elaborate, Aztec? Explain your response to me.
as long as everyone involved knows from the get-go
That would be the crux of the matter, wouldn't it... to be sure everyone involved understands exactly how things are, and to give them the option of extracting themselves from the relationship if they don't want it that way. Thanks for pointing that out, Stinky.
Are people and breakfast foods a good comparison?
In the context in which I used the comparison, yes, they are. The illustration works. For the sentient aspects of it, see the rest of the post, and the linked pages by A.M. Lindbergh.
...or, for those who haven't seen it before, some clarifying information.
if you're an old timer and you saw it before, perhaps you've just forgotten.. at any rate, i thought some of you might have some confusion--and perhaps irritation--put to rest by reviewing this.
scroll down to my post, please.. comf.
What exactly are you saying COMF?
I just don't know how to make it any plainer than the post in that linked thread.
...or, for those who haven't seen it before, some clarifying information.
if you're an old timer and you saw it before, perhaps you've just forgotten.. at any rate, i thought some of you might have some confusion--and perhaps irritation--put to rest by reviewing this.
scroll down to my post, please.. comf.
...or, for those who haven't seen it before, some clarifying information. If you're an old timer and you saw it before, perhaps you've just forgotten.
At any rate, I thought some of you might have some confusion--and perhaps irritation--put to rest by reviewing this. Scroll down to my post, please.
i use to hate kissing.
i was a virgin until i was 19 and married.
i hadnt had a chance to experiment with kissing in my teenage years.
Robyn... babylove, mamacita...
<KISS> Ooh, woman... has no one yet extolled the virtues of your kisses? For shame, ye pseudo-lovers! Out with it! Let the praise commence.
i use to hate kissing.
i was a virgin until i was 19 and married.
i hadnt had a chance to experiment with kissing in my teenage years.
Even after all these years I still grieve for her.
Eagles music starts playing in the background:
Get over it
Ger over it