I will cover points raised by Hmmm and Syn
???The point I was trying to make is that you people BELIEVE in all of these "metaphors and anthromorphisms".???
It depends on what you mean by believe in metaphors. I know that God does not literally have nostrils. It is a symbol of his displeasure or refusal to countenance sin. So what do you mean? that we take these metaphors literally?
???For instance, provide me positive proof that God is a man, or even that God has a distinguishable sex of any sort.???
I cannot because he does not.
???Next, show me where God is. And no, the Pleiedes don't count, even though Rutherford said he lives there.???
How can I show you where God is? The Bible simply says that he dwells in the heavens. But he does not live in cosmic space-time at all.
???Do you seek to trivialize the horrible abuse that is taking place freely thanks to certain Biblical laws that the Elders are told to apply?>>>
What has your question got to do with the subject we have been trying to discuss?
???Do not twist my words, dense.
But you did twist my words.
???Did I ever say that I take pleasure in 6 billion people dying or that 6 billion people will die at Armageddon?
No, but your next statements show that you WANT THEM TO DIE! Which is just as bad!???
I put faith in 2 Peter 3:9. I do not want anyone to be destroyed but everyone to attain everlasting life. To that end, I go out and tell others about the good news of God's kingdom.
???Show me proof that I said such things, big britches.
That's a nice one for my little black book of insults!???
Do you want me to recall some of your numerous insults? Mine are mild compared to yours. Just consider my words rhetorical legomena.
???I wrote that the destruction of this wicked world is good news.
How can the death of 6 billion people POSSIBLY BE GOOD NEWS? I think YOU are the one who needs to see a shrink!???
Nobody knows or has said how many people are going to be destroyed. I never said 6 billion people will be annihilated by God. I hope that the number is not that high. I actually do not want to see anybody cut off from the earth. But prophecy says that this event will happen. I put faith in Bible prophecy.
However many people are going to be destroyed, the news of this wicked world being destoyed is good news since it means that evil will come to an end. You mean to tell me that the end of all evil acts and conditions is not good news?
???Better conditions for all survivors.
I'd rather shoot myself than become a Dub again, thank you. Comforter, how many times have you asked a question during the Watchtower Study? Or even during a Book Study? Answer: ZERO.???
Being a little presumptuous, are you not? How do you know that I have never asked a question during a meeting?
???That is because you are TOLD what you are allowed to think and what your WORSHIP SHOULD BE LIKE and what you should read.???
Your ignorance of the jw religion is manifest. What you are saying is unequivocally false. The burden is on you to prove such nonsense.
???Pretty soon they're going to be telling you where you can live, and they already tell you who you can associate with. And you talk about FREE SPEECH!???
The Bible tells me who I can or cannot associate with and I have the freedom to live where I please. Your comments would be struck by any good court of justice. Astute observers can also see through your pseudo rhetoric here as well. Free speech is a political issue. Some places have it and others do not. But jws do not have free speech in this forum while ex jws do.
???There is no such thing as FREE SPEECH within "God"'s BOrganization!???
It depends on how you define free speech. If one lives in a country where free speech is permitted and valued, then one has the right to free speech, no matter what religion one is. But free speech does not just permit you to say anything you please. Even if one has free speech, a Christian wants to refrain from speech that is hateful, unloving, ungodly, and subversive. Humans are never totally free. We live in and through others.
???You question the GB, and you are disfellowshipped or told to wait on Jehovah, depending on how strident you are! Don't you dare voice a dissenting opinion!???
Hogwash! You need to familiarize yourself with jw beliefs and practices. It is hard to believe that people believe and spout such lies sans evidence. One can certainly complain or offer suggestions in a humble and loving spirit. It is only haughty and headstrong people that get rebuffed.
???But, your religion says that you must be a Witness to survive (and a Witness in good standing at that), so technically, 99% of Earth's population will die in the on-coming conflagaration!???
That is not exactly what the Witnesses say. We do not know ultimately who God will save. He might make exceptions when Armageddon comes and save some who are not Witnesses in good standing. You need to read the Armageddon statements found in the literature in context. Your 99% figure is purely a construct of your fertile imagination.
???Notice how you take the opportunity to negatively spin my positive statement.
It was a positive statement, but unfortunately for us to arrive at this precious Paradise of yours, the lion's share of humanity must perish. If you consider that to be positive, you are very sick indeed.???
You are criticizing jws when it sounds that the bigger issue you have is with the Bible. The Bible says that many are on the road to destruction. We did not write those words. Matthew did. Now you may want us to reject the Bible and follow your wise suggestions. We cannot do that and still remain Christians, however. Like I said, I do not know how many people will be wiped out in the coming conflagration. But the Bible indicates that "many" will be cut off at that time.
???I think it says something about your mental state. See a pathologist soon.
Sigh...well, at least you're being decent enough to respond to my posts. This is a touchy subject for me!
And, tell us how we've restricted YOUR "freedom of speech"!???
I said that Simon restricts the free speech of jws in this place. My words only pertained to his actions toward jws who have been kicked off this forum for spamming and the like. But ex jws spam and start fluff posts or show rude behavior all the time and they are allowed to stay. Where is the justice in that?