???Thanks for the lesson [8-o]???
You welcome.
???OH by the way which Greek discussion group would YOU suggest? Certainly NOT GEEK-mythology @ yahoogroups.com????
Have you heard of b-greek?
???BTW . . . 'teacher' why do you need a "transliteration" or a "transliteration scheme" if you are such a great teacher. And why do you resort to a $15 bookshelf dictionary to 'teach' from.???
I do not need a transliteration scheme unless I post on Greek lists. Comforter reads Greek with smooth fluency. There was also a purpose in quoting Vine's. I will let you figure that one out.
???Y'wanna git RAW why didn't you use BDB or TDNT????
I use them both along with BAGD and LSJ.
???Oh yeah, and:
Did you know that onyl Jehovah is given such a title in the KJV?
In Ps. 111:9 -- which is the only place in the KJV where the word "reverend" appears, the term refers to holiness. And since our mandate from Him is:
Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy. 1Pe 1:16
maybe having a title that honors Him, and that honors the beauty of holiness ain't so bad.
Whattaya think???
I think I have a problem with people giving themselves a title that only belongs to God. I would say that "reverend" used in the psalm does not mean holiness. It means awe-inspiring.