Does anybody know the stats for child molestation in the USA as to race and sex? Who commits molestation more often statistically in the USA? What is their gender and race? Any reliable numbers thyat can be provided?
Sincere comfort
does anybody know the stats for child molestation in the usa as to race and sex?
who commits molestation more often statistically in the usa?
what is their gender and race?
Does anybody know the stats for child molestation in the USA as to race and sex? Who commits molestation more often statistically in the USA? What is their gender and race? Any reliable numbers thyat can be provided?
Sincere comfort
god has been patient with evil in the world since the days of adam and eve.
his day is not tarrying but is right on schedule.
god, however, is presently showing patience and self-control, not only with the world of unbelievers but also with the congregation of his faithful witnesses.
God has been patient with evil in the world since the days of Adam and Eve. His day is not tarrying but is right on schedule. God, however, is presently showing patience and self-control, not only with the world of unbelievers but also with the congregation of his faithful Witnesses. They have many things to work on to try and get things right before the day of wrath. That is why Peter wrote to Christians in his day--
"Jehovah is not slow respecting his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with YOU because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9
Jehovah's Witnesses know that God is being patient with them today and they are vigorously working on their shortcomings. The Witnesses also do not want any to be annihilated in the coming conflagration called Armageddon. They urge all mankind to read God's word daily and take in accurate knowledge of God and his Son. We love people.
the watchtower has said that those who deviate from the faith only seek to pull down and do not try to build up.
they have no positive teachings.
only negative ones.
I am not going to discuss your moral ineptitude in this place. Don't take that as a sign that I have no evidence concerning your illicit conduct. I just refuse to stoop to your level. You know what I am talking about and so does God. I can also say that you are not honest either. For example, have you ever emailed Witnesses and told them that you are a faithful jw when you were not? Please answer truthfully.
Another problem of yours is that you are trying to find God on your own, with your so-called superior intellect. Life does not work that way. You are on earth and God is in heaven. Don't get too big for ya britches.
The truth is that you would not be happy in any religion. The religious life requires one to submit to a higher authority than one's own thoughts. There is no perfect religion like you are looking for. Were you not a Bible Student at one time? What happened to that? Sounds like you are just bouncing around trying to find meaning. Now you agnostic going on atheist.
And know that bad company spoils useful habits. Read Romans 1:20 and leave the atheists alone.
A bit of advice from Comforter
the watchtower has said that those who deviate from the faith only seek to pull down and do not try to build up.
they have no positive teachings.
only negative ones.
???1- Do you beleive in the Bible and if so try to follow its practices????
Yes and yes.
???2 - If you answered yes to question #1...why do you judge in the Bible it says that judgement is for God alone. Do not judge others lest you be judged. So why do you judge us????
Jesus' words must be read in context. I am not judging you. But recall that Jesus said you will know false prophets by their fruits. I am not being a judge but a fruit inspector.
the watchtower has said that those who deviate from the faith only seek to pull down and do not try to build up.
they have no positive teachings.
only negative ones.
???What I believe is that the Bible is a book of writings that directs us toward a relationship with God. However, I also use "reason" when reading the Bible and realize that men wrote it. Yea, yea, the "Bible is inspired by God" (2 Tim 3:16). But even a man wrote that verse, and it does not say that everything written in the Bible is how God feels - for example the suppression of women.???
I refuse to be distracted from the real issue. That is God's day of wrath and what the Bible says about it. The jws take the Bible seriously. The Bible says God's will avenge all wrongdoing and jws believe this promise. You seem to read the Bible with a pick and choose attitude. If a teaching taste good to your palate, you keep it. But otherwise you chuck it. Homey don't play dat.
???*** Rbi8 1 Timothy 2:8-12 *** 9 Likewise I desire the women to adorn themselves in well-arranged dress, with modesty and soundness of mind, not with styles of hair braiding and gold or pearls or very expensive garb, 10 but in the way that befits women professing to reverence God, namely, through good works.
11 Let a woman learn in silence with full submissiveness. 12I do not permit a woman to teach, or to exercise authority over a man, but to be in silence.
If you see the Bible as a divine product, then these are Gods restrictions on the behavior and roles of women. Indeed if your religion, which continues to prohibit women from holding position, believes that this is how God feels about the matter, then wouldnt he also feel strongly about little girls and women with braided hair, gold jewelry, etc.? Explain why it is that verse 11 & 12 must be adhered to, yet not verse 9.???
The verse must be read in its historical context and compared with what other scriptures say. If you do a little research, you will find that back in first century Asia Minor, women often tried to exaggerate their beauty by braiding their hair in extravagant ways and wearing excessive jewelry for the bling bling effect. Early Christians thought this way of life was wrong and jws do too. We apply 1 Timothy 2.
???Comforter, I bet you can't even tell me how the Bible came to be in its form. Can you? And, if you can, then please explain the irony of how it came to be in its form with your belief about religious leaders.???
I know how people think the Bible came to be in its present form. Most usually point to Rome but that is a bunch of garbage'. Rome thinks the Apocrypha is canonical. They are wrong.
the watchtower has said that those who deviate from the faith only seek to pull down and do not try to build up.
they have no positive teachings.
only negative ones.
???Your words are stereotypically JW-defender. You have no specifics, only sweeping generalities: "All criticisms are lies." "You only say negative things." And on and on.
You cannot show why more than a small number of criticisms are lies.???
I am not bound to show that criticisms here are lies because that was not what I complained about in my intro post. You want specifics? Look at the main page of this board and you will find plenty of evidence, if you want to see it, that you people (ex jw) are fixated on negativity.
???You know it, and so you don't even try. You're an intellectual coward, yet you tell yourself you're a brave fighter for righteousness. We see right through you because we've seen it all before. That's why we got away from a religion that produces people like you.???
You got away from my religion because you could not live up to the moral life that it and the Bible requires. By the way, what is your current religious status, AF?
???Here's a specific criticism: Why does the Watchtower Society in principle say that two witnesses to separate instances of child molestation are sufficient to convict a molester before a judicial committee, but in practice rarely applies this rule? Can you answer specifically? Of course not.???
Since you have already provided the answer, I will not bother to reply. Mr know it all.
???Only negative things, you say? Not so. Telling someone to get out of the way of an oncoming train is a very positive thing. At least, it is to normal people.???
You better make sure you are not inadvertently directing someone to stand in front of a train. God's day of wrath is coming and you better be on the right side when it comes. Are you? Else you bout to git hit by train too.
the watchtower has said that those who deviate from the faith only seek to pull down and do not try to build up.
they have no positive teachings.
only negative ones.
Trying to dismantle a negative thang is a positive task.
the watchtower has said that those who deviate from the faith only seek to pull down and do not try to build up.
they have no positive teachings.
only negative ones.
It is a catch 22 with you people. If I leave, I am brainwashed. If I stay, I am disobedient. Trying to please you people in this place is like trying to please a fickel woman.
I apply Colossians 2:4 across the board.
the watchtower has said that those who deviate from the faith only seek to pull down and do not try to build up.
they have no positive teachings.
only negative ones.
People like the wizard of oz are funny. They decry trolls coming in this place and starting subjects just to argue and not debate issues. When a "troll" raises an issue, then they start saying, you should not be here. You WILL be DF for what you are doing. Blah, blah, blah. Instead of facing issues, these ditzy people who are driven by negative agendas hijack the thread and talk about something completely different than the topic. How nauseating! How abominable! The tactic is getting old.
the watchtower has said that those who deviate from the faith only seek to pull down and do not try to build up.
they have no positive teachings.
only negative ones.
???Do you have an answer for all of the horrible true experiences people have posted on here, mine included? Just men being naughty, could the WT POSSIBLY have somethig to do with it?
Could the WT haplessly empower bad men by giving them 'responsibility'????
Nobody has all the answers, ashi. No one but God. I can tell you this though. There are problems in the organization. Most everybody knows that. But I believe the WT teaches the truth overall. They are not perfect. But neither was Israel or the early Christians.
???Ahhh, Comforter, now we have it. You want to spend time here defending an organisation that has amongst its rules that you should not be doing it.???
Who said I am here to defend an organization? Maybe I am in this place to defend God. Maybe I just hate falsehood and want to see it put down in this place .
???You are aware, of course, that you would be DF for doing what you are doing, so why are you doing it? Are you counting the time????
How can you say that I WOULD be Df for being in this place? Now who da fool? What if I repent of my actions for being in this place? What if I just get a reproof? Then what, dude?
And I do not count time for this place.
???Man, you're a fool.???
One man's foolishness is another man's genius.