No one has ever taken a survey of how many clean jw there are. They have not done same with Roman Catholics either. How would you scientifically measure such a thing? But that doesn't mean what I said is untrue. Some things go beyond surveys and statistics.
Jehovah's people show a willing spirit in harmony with Psalm 110:3. They are like dewdrops. They do not want pay for their loving efforts. Churches hire janitors or their parishoners act as janitors, charging the church for services sometimes. The Witnesses don't want money for cleaning the house of God. They follow scriptures that say present yourself willingly.
Which worldly people? Have you not read wts and been to assemblies where they talk about how clean jws look, how neat their haircuts and clothes, how clean they leave the assembly halls? Maybe you need a sub to the wt.
we still rotate in cleaning where there is more than one congregation sharing a hall.
You people also insult cultures that are in poverty or lack knowledge of basic hygene skills. Travel around the world and you will see that not everybody has same cleaning standard. Some people think it not necessary to take baths everyday. One person told me not taking bath preserves oil in skin. You better believe it does, along with other things. Like my man Arsenio talk about, the one with the smelly pits is always last to know.