what i do wrong? comforter was just giving his thoughts on the cnn show. this is a free speech zone, is it? connie was objective. what else can i say?
outstanding !!!
... actually, connie was too nice to the jw leaders in her questions ... and i appreciate the two young ex-jw girls who connie interviewed ... they were straight forward, clear, and credible ... and they did a good job making the case ... and kudos to bill bowen for calling the watchtower's statement a bold-faced lie, because that is what it is ... the watchtower society clearly lied as to what they say their policy is, and what has been practiced in real life.
great job !!!
what i do wrong? comforter was just giving his thoughts on the cnn show. this is a free speech zone, is it? connie was objective. what else can i say?
outstanding !!!
... actually, connie was too nice to the jw leaders in her questions ... and i appreciate the two young ex-jw girls who connie interviewed ... they were straight forward, clear, and credible ... and they did a good job making the case ... and kudos to bill bowen for calling the watchtower's statement a bold-faced lie, because that is what it is ... the watchtower society clearly lied as to what they say their policy is, and what has been practiced in real life.
great job !!!
did not rodney stark say that jw have agressive policy against pedophiles?
he know the truth.
outstanding !!!
... actually, connie was too nice to the jw leaders in her questions ... and i appreciate the two young ex-jw girls who connie interviewed ... they were straight forward, clear, and credible ... and they did a good job making the case ... and kudos to bill bowen for calling the watchtower's statement a bold-faced lie, because that is what it is ... the watchtower society clearly lied as to what they say their policy is, and what has been practiced in real life.
great job !!!
you misread the 97 wt. helping a weak brother is not the same as shielding pedophiles. pedophilia is a gross sin. have you not heard of hating the sin and loving the sinner?
outstanding !!!
... actually, connie was too nice to the jw leaders in her questions ... and i appreciate the two young ex-jw girls who connie interviewed ... they were straight forward, clear, and credible ... and they did a good job making the case ... and kudos to bill bowen for calling the watchtower's statement a bold-faced lie, because that is what it is ... the watchtower society clearly lied as to what they say their policy is, and what has been practiced in real life.
great job !!!
comforter thought connie was fair with the interview. comforter feel that she knows the numbers bandied about (like 23,000) are exaggerations. if the stories told tonight are true, it a shame and wrong. but who said Jehovah's organization was perfect? We applaud Connie for fairness. The other side will come out soon.
who you believe do the best one liners in movies?
comforter feel bruce willis and arnold scharznegger are best.
bruce specially give good one liners before he blow someobody away.
who you believe do the best one liners in movies? Comforter feel bruce willis and arnold scharznegger are best. bruce specially give good one liners before he blow someobody away. <LOL>
anybuddy in this place still believe we living in last days?
the signs of the times look clear.
child kidnappings, serial killers, wars, suicide and homicide bombers and more problems than you shake stick at.
dont try to turn this thang around, crazee. it is not reasonable to expect comforter to argue for days with someone who mind is already made up. we can jest state our opposing points and let the reader decide. there is no such thing as winning a debate. i aint even gonner try.
anybuddy in this place still believe we living in last days?
the signs of the times look clear.
child kidnappings, serial killers, wars, suicide and homicide bombers and more problems than you shake stick at.
i made my case and comforter will not say anymore on the subject. those who want to believe will believe. those who do not will not. The bibler say that faith is not a possession of all people. but it is not only the events that constitute the last days but the time period and the fact that we have a composite sign in our time. we may not alway understand the significance of the signs. that don't mean the end will never come.
it depend on what you mean by quality of life. materially, people might be better off. but i do not feel people are today better off mentally, spiritually or existentially.
anybuddy in this place still believe we living in last days?
the signs of the times look clear.
child kidnappings, serial killers, wars, suicide and homicide bombers and more problems than you shake stick at.
there enough fecal matter in this place without comforter adding anything.
anybuddy in this place still believe we living in last days?
the signs of the times look clear.
child kidnappings, serial killers, wars, suicide and homicide bombers and more problems than you shake stick at.
I listed the events that make me think it the last days. There are more, such as AIDS and diseases like west nile virus. but comforter's point is that events effect people differently these days. It is not just the number of people that die. I measure distress and critical times in existential terms. I ask how events effect people existentially. Never has there been such a time when people are afraid to come out of there homes or afriad to stay in them. You gotta watch your bay at every turn and women in Louisaiana are afriad to go out at night. Add racism and sexism to the mix, and I believe these times are unique. They are the last days.
anybuddy in this place still believe we living in last days?
the signs of the times look clear.
child kidnappings, serial killers, wars, suicide and homicide bombers and more problems than you shake stick at.
Anybuddy in this place still believe we living in last days? The signs of the times look clear. Child kidnappings, serial killers, wars, suicide and homicide bombers and more problems than you shake stick at. Do you still believe it the last days? The bible also say that people would say it aint the last days in the last days. Comforter believe the end is close.