paradise earth is the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8
See the wt.
Giving true comfort.
comforter was driving down the mowterway this afternoon and a ambulance came by looking like it was getting up to save somebody's life.
comforter then thought to himself.
is this life all thar is?
paradise earth is the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8
See the wt.
Giving true comfort.
comforter was driving down the mowterway this afternoon and a ambulance came by looking like it was getting up to save somebody's life.
comforter then thought to himself.
is this life all thar is?
how do we know that this life be all we have? are you not begging the question?
My Jehovah is not little. He is the most high God of the universe. Psalm 83:18
You are right in a way. some people do get disheartened by life's problems and want to just die. there were people in the bible that felt this way. Generally though, people want life to never end. plus the talk about sleeping in death come from bible.
i do not believe the jw religion is a fantasy. people give the opinion that there is no future for dead ones. jesus taught that there is. John 5:28-29.
comforter was driving down the mowterway this afternoon and a ambulance came by looking like it was getting up to save somebody's life.
comforter then thought to himself.
is this life all thar is?
what if a person never leave dubs? then the dub life is all there is, with your reasoning, farkie. some people die as happy jw though. they love the jw life and find their supreme joy in it.
comforter was driving down the mowterway this afternoon and a ambulance came by looking like it was getting up to save somebody's life.
comforter then thought to himself.
is this life all thar is?
So people want to survive for no particular reason? Are u saying there no terminal point of existence and life lack telicity?
comforter was driving down the mowterway this afternoon and a ambulance came by looking like it was getting up to save somebody's life.
comforter then thought to himself.
is this life all thar is?
comforter was driving down the mowterway this afternoon and a ambulance came by looking like it was getting up to save somebody's life. Comforter then thought to himself. Is this life all thar is? Y dew people fight so hard to preeserve life when we just products of evolution? Why worry bout trying to save somebody life? Could it bee cause God put everlasting life into the heart of man? Dew people have an inborn desire to live forever and nevver die? Is death the unnatural enemy?
Comforter think this life be not all it is. If this all we got, why want to live? Excuse me English.
i was just wondering, do you procrastinate?
well, i was going to write about this 6 months ago, and i finally got around to it.
yes, i procrastinate all the time.
brutha larc
comforter do not proocrastinate when it come to tellin truth. the truth is that you need to work on you spelling, being a retared professor and all.
i read crisis of c, now what?
actually doesn't have to be about the dubs - i think i may over-load on dub-doom if i read anymore witness business.
anyone recommend something else.
comforter already read stafford new book. it good. it not as good as jwd. stafford seem kool though. i also like your professional comment. did you talk that way to the students who fell asleep during your boring lectures?
i read crisis of c, now what?
actually doesn't have to be about the dubs - i think i may over-load on dub-doom if i read anymore witness business.
anyone recommend something else.
greg stafford's jwd2. firpo carr's african american jw. new jerusalem bible.
with many children waiting expectedly for the new harry potter film the society have issued a pre-emptive strike.. i feel so sorry for the poor jw kids who won't now be able to go and see the film.. from watchtower, october 15th 2002, page 11..
the catholic upper eschelon and other religious groups as some baptist churches have too condemned harry potty. it is an evil book and movie. it advocates occultism.
down with scorcerers.
like stephanus, i am still retaring.
i was just thanking today about an old watchtower that had a germann proverb, "if you rest, you will rust.
what wisdom of the german proverb.
Like Stephanus, I am still retaring. I was just thanking today about an old watchtower that had a germann proverb, "if you rest, you will rust."
what wisdom of the german proverb. The us is having weight problems these days because of sedentary lifestiles. it is time for people to get from behind them compooters and get out in da field service. it will do you a world of good. resting not only rusts one physically, but spiritually too. exert yourself with vigor.