you ended a sentence wit a preposition.
$$$We all make errors in our spelling and sentence structure, but when a person does is deliberately such as yourself, he needs to be made fun of.$$$
you ended a sentence wit a preposition.
$$$We all make errors in our spelling and sentence structure, but when a person does is deliberately such as yourself, he needs to be made fun of.$$$
comforter have reasons for breakdown in english. i aint being tutored no more. bowen should be called to account for two reasons. he supposed to be writing serious and professional letters to jw organization. he should take the tyme to make sure his reading be legible. don't he wanna communicate seriously with governing body?
the second reason bowen should be called to account is for consistency. if wt made grammar errors like bowen, they would be plastered all over the board and people make a big deal about grammar. not with bowen. you people aint even volunteering to help him correct his errors. whut a shame.
see if you think this sounds a know.......biggoted .
do you think the opinion from the slave is a little strong in one direction..........nah!
questions from readers wt, 1960 july 15
the bible tell Jehovah's people to marry only in the lord. nothing wrong with mixed marriages between whites and coloreds. but satan's world make it difficult on mixed couples. people gotta way their choices and give prayerful thought to this decision. i love bessie. if she was colored, we might git our house burnt down by the worldly people though.
mister dragon
the society is picky about grammar. it is "grammar" and not "grammer." and bad grammar not a matter of perception, pad. you should not use perfect participle where a present participle should go.
just trying to help you opposers write good letters. we ferners learned these things in english as second language class.
it don't matter how comforter talk. nobody in this place is going to call bowen to account for his grammatical errors. who is he? the pope? he infallible?
more bowen gemmies
$$$It has been alleged that you have been committed [sic] apostasy, loose conduct, and causing divisions by eye witnesses who are Jehovahs [sic] Witnesses in good standing.$$$
"committed" should be present participle and not a perfect participle. we foreigners learn this in engrish class. It should also be "Jehovah's" and not "Jehovahs." bowen could hire comforter as editor of his.
comfy may be a little intelligent. but you got too keep in mind that knot everybuddy on this board speaka engrish. beside, nobody yet tell me why bowen make so many grammatical errors in his letter. why you not correct him? you seem too be diverting from issue.
more bowenisms
$$$Therefore with the above matters being taken into consideration [sic], it has been requested that I notify you of the following.$$$
Bowen should place comma after "therefore." As he has written the sentence, it is ungrammatical becuz the clause not properly subordinated without comma. Bowen need editor.
ath and fark
comfy want to know why you approve of bowen's lack of subjekt verb agreement. why you not pick on bowen's grammar? he speak engrish.
Silentlambs write
$$$ Your inaction to these allegations along with the lack of compassion offered to abuse survivors within the organization have [sic] given many brothers and sisters great cause for concern. The lack of one word of apology argues [what??] this conclusion further.$$$
Bowen need editor bad, if he going to write professional letters to wt.