Mr Step
???On the contrary Squire, if their age effects [sic] the validity of their decisions, and these decisions then lead to premature death, there is every reason to disresepct [sic] them. No conflation, the amount of time spent in the institution directly correlates to their age, it would would it
Is their age affecting their decisions? Even if it is, I do not think that one should disrepect old age as such. Like I said, I think the pope is supporting a false religious system. He is getting old and his judgment is probably also affected. Yet I am not going to conflate old age with bad decisions or judgments that the pope may make. I can criticize the pope without castigating his advanced years. Do you see the point, sir?
???This is the viewpoint that many have on this Board, which leads them not to direspect all elderly people, only those who endanger life with their decisions.???
I do not believe that any older persons should be disrepected simply because they are old and make bad decisions. I can separate the two issues and condemn an old man's wrong actions without insulting him about irritable bowel syndrome or some gastric disorder he may or may not have.