???: Go ahead and assuage your conscience, Farkel,
Nothing to assuage. I don't have one.???
You have one. It is probably just desensitized.
???: with all of these non sequiturs.
They are quite relevant. Scumbags don't deserve respect, dummy, no matter what their age. Would you respect Adolph Hitler more if he lived to be in his nineties? Explain your answer.???
Respect has two faces (aspects). One is negative and the other is positive. While I would have trouble rendering Hitler positive respect, I would still render him negative respect. I would not deride his gastric problems or his inability to chew steak. For such problems have nothing to do with Hitler's character per se. If I lived under his regime, I would also postively respect Hitler in another way, without obeying his dastardly dictates.
???: Just because X is B does not mean that he should be treated with C.
If the "B" is manslaughter, lying, hypocrisy, manipulating peoples lives, wanton destruction of families and marriages, and protecting child predators, then I agree that they should not be treated with "C." They should be treated with "C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J" and a lot more.???
For the simple-mided amongst us, it does not follow that because aged Grumpy is a jerk, you must take the opportunity to put down his gastric disorders.
???: But if it makes you feel better . . .
Yeah, it makes me feel better, "comforter." Calling scumbags for what they are always makes me feel better.???
I think it makes you feel better to deny your blatant disrespect for older persons.
H Step
???Yes, I do understand what you mean by conflate.???
I have no doubt that you do. You just fail to understand how I am applying it in this context.
???You perhaps do not understand the point I am making. This is not just a matter of old age. The GB is derided not for being old and suffering the ills of old age, this is merely the peg on which is hung a disrespect for all that they stand for.???
The Gb is derided for a lot of reasons. I can understand some of these reasons. I do not understand why some in this place compund their criticisms of the governing body with the gerontological slams. The ageism manifested in this place serves as more than a peg. It is the ground of the overt disrepect shown in this place.
???Look at my first post regarding the seventy three year old JW women who referred to the GB as a 'repulsive bunch of old men. Why do you think I mentioned this????
To try and make a point?
???You are approaching this issue in a facile way, not taking into account that people deride even the fifty-four year olds on the GB. This is not ageism at work, this is plain old disrespect at play.???
They do deride the not so old ones on the governing body. That much is true. But I am talking about explicit statements in this place that were directed toward the older members specifically. You are giving the gerontological bigots in this place too much credit.
???Most on this Board have parents some of similar age to the GB yet they do not deride them for their age. Why not? Because their decisions have not harmed people.???
Everybody makes decisions that harm others. Many parents inadverently harm their children regularly.
???Raymond Franz is in his eighties, yet you will not read one word of disrespect regarding his age? Tell me, why not????
Because Ray tells these people what they want to hear. He can be used in support of their ignoble ends.
???Are you beginning to understand????
I understand all right. A lot of people in this place think it is right to disrespect old people as such. From now on, I am going to compound my disrepect of the pope's policies and beliefs with his old age. Hey, I will use his age as a peg to hang my disrepect on. That is the ticket. Not!