???: If what you say really happened, it would be disguting.
Ooh, a crack in the troll's armor, dare I say????
You might dare to say it, but it ain't so.
???: But seeing that you are a shameless purveyor of gossip, I don't believe a word you say.
Then call the Society and ask specifically about it. Then report back here. But I already know what you'll find, if you have enough guts -- which you don't -- to do it: They would tell you "no comment" or the equivalent. They will not deny it because they know that if they do, then if the truth comes out unequivocally in the future -- and it will! -- then they will have been caught in yet another lie.???
You know good and well what the response would be if I called the Society and asked about Brother Greenlees. But I do not feel compelled to call the Society at all, considering that you are the one launching accusations against Greenlees. The burden of proof is therefore on you. Can you produce any credible evidence that Greenless was moved and set up as a pioneer because of molesting a child?
???:: The troll actually manages to condemn the entire Watchtower leadership, not just the Governing Body, by admitting that the younger men who comprise the rest of the leadership have equal responsibility with the GB for aiding and abetting the covering up of child molestation and the punishment and threat of punishment for victims.
: Talk about twisting one's comments.
It's not my problem that you're too stupid to understand what you've done.???
I did not "do" anything. You simply chose to reword what I wrote. But that is typical behavior for anti-jw polemicists.
???:: Very soon there will be put on certain news programs the fact that the GB ordered certain of its henchmen to threaten certain victims into keeping silent. The GB and its vile practices will be on display before the world, and the world will judge them to be as reprehensible as the leaders of the Catholic Church.
: That will happen when Sheol flames up, fraudbacker. LOL.
You think there'll be an explosion in hell this year then, Booby? Are you making yet another prediction????
No predictions, fraudbacker, since Jesus said no one knows the day and hour. But I would not bet on Sheol being lit or exploding anytime soon. LOL.
???:: As for the aged Pope, he certainly does not determine Church policy to the same extent as the Governing Body determines JW policy.
: This statement shows how little you know about the church's curia. The buck stops with the papacy in the catholic church. Study church government in the catholic church.
The buck stops with the Pope and the GB alright. But the Pope is not put on the same pedestal as the GB is by the men who are under them.???
The governing body is not considered infallible; the pope is. The governing body is not the final authority in doctrinal matters. The magisterium is the final authority in the catholic church. How you can make the statements you did with a straight face is beyond me.
???In practice, the Church has enough sense not to think that the Pope was put in his place directly by God.???
Maybe you need to talk about a subject you are familiar with since you know next to nothing about catholic church governance. The pope's roots go back to Peter who was supposedly appointed by Jesus Christ (God the Son) himself. Go back and study catholic church history.
???Bethel leaders have this albatross of "passing the mantle" to deal with. Today, Ted Jaracz, aka "The Boss", wears that mantle and so the weenies below him who know what a scumbag he is refuse to act. Perhaps the adverse publicity now haunting the Society will light a fire under them.???
No one passes the mantle better than the catholic church. If Jaracz does "take up the mantle" you can rest assure that his authority will be nowhere near the pope's. We technically have no leaders. Jaracz and other governing body members are just slaves of God.
???:: Church policy is determined more democratically, as is shown by the fact that American bishops are presently being called on to vote on molestation policy changes. Thus, the responsiblity for Church policy is spread around among young and old Church officials, whereas JW policy is determined strictly by the GB. Thus, it is entirely the fault of ancient, ossified thinkers in JW leadership when JW policies on any front are wrong, and attributing their bad thinking to age is perfectly reasonable.
: Jw follow example of first century congregation.
Please do not call yourself names.
???:It was not a democracy.
Actually it was run a good deal more like the Church is than how the Society is run. That "apostolic council" in Jerusalem that ruled on circumcision and other matters was attended by lots of "low level" Christians, not just by those the Society misrepresents as a 1st-century "governing body". All of the attendees had input to the decisions. The JW Governing Body meets in secret and issues rulings little to no regard for what "low level" JWs think. In fact, if a low-level JW has the temerity to offer an opinion, he'll be told to shut up or be disfellowshipped.???
You have no knowledge of what the word governing body means. You are way out of your element here. Exactly what low-level Christians attended the first century governing body meetings in Jerusalem?
And your suggestion about a jw being df is simplistic, to say the least.
???I think there's something to be said for stability, as opposed to the Keystone Kops methods of governing used by the JW leadership. Every few decades they try something new -- always with divine direction, of course.???
Now you are defending the catholic church over against jw. My how you have slipped, fraudbacker. You praise a church for continuing to do the wrong thing for hundreds of years? Give us a break. The church wrongly teaches that God is triune, that he burns people in hell, he predestinates human actions, we should venerate Mary and a host of other errors. Be my guest in praising such falsity.
???: LOL. Even if the gb's "Errors" could be attributed to age, why would anyone pick on the gb because of age?
No reasonable person picks on them because of their age. These men are criticized because of their bad, unchristian, self-serving and amazingly stupid decisions. The fact that they are ancient and therefore have ossified brains explains why their decisions are so bad. I mean, one would be hard put to figure out a worse set of decisions than they've made over the last year and a half with respect to dealing with the adverse publicity about molestation.???
I haven't heard many in this place criticize the ossified brains of the governing body. They choose to pick on gastric problems and problems with the chewing of steak. What do those things have to do with ossified brains and bad decisions?
???No one really knows what any specific set of leaders would do. But the odds are that they wouldn't consistently make the very worst decisions that could be made. Younger men tend to be somewhat less arrogant than the old geezers who have been bowed down to for decades and have become overconfident that they are not to be questioned.???
You must have never read the Bible and you know next to nothing about human nature. LOL. Young guys can be as arrogant as the next man. Plus they are inexperienced. Most guys become humbler as they get older because they realize what fools we mortals be.
???: Younger folks may not suffer from ossification but they often suffer from another syndrome. Manure filled diapers that they are not able to change.
Why would they do that? They have sisters in Bethel who do that for the GB.???
The governing body may have literal manure in their pants because of age but young ones often have figurative manure because they are immature. They have not seen the world and know hardly anything about life and serving God. Wisdom mainly resides in those of advanced years.