<<It is amazing how people fit things for themselves...denial !>>
You speak truth, lucid. Glad you are here.
if everyone here , or nearly everyone here does not believe the jw's then why waste your time going onto these websites.
when everyone leaves the truth they automaticaly go to jw websites....why?
if you no longer believe it why waste your time?.
<<It is amazing how people fit things for themselves...denial !>>
You speak truth, lucid. Glad you are here.
if everyone here , or nearly everyone here does not believe the jw's then why waste your time going onto these websites.
when everyone leaves the truth they automaticaly go to jw websites....why?
if you no longer believe it why waste your time?.
Ok Comforter is coming out retirement for one rebuttal. In the words of brother DMX, Ain't No Sunshine When It's On. You have done it now, puff duddy. Your post only shows what happens when people take jw quotes out of context. May I add you also feminazi.
It is true that most men do not develop affection for women unless they have sex with them. If a man does not get sex from his wife, he may begin to feel cold toward her. Comforter is not talking about cases where the wife is sick and unable to perform sex. But when woman just refuses to have relations with her mate for months, how do you expect a man to feel? This do not mean that man should only love woman for sex.
There is nothing wrong with a woman carrying out materal roles. All humans have roles to play in the family. A husband may take pleasure in mowing the grass or fixing things around the house. Big deal!
The Bible says that the abundance of words causes sin. I am glad to see you are wise enought to know this. A wise person does talk less and less. I know. Just ask me.
The magazines did not say 15% of accidents are caused by suicide. Be for real.
Dont you know what the words "It has been said" mean? The Society not saying that one should go see Vatican or vacation there, pinhead.
The other quotes and comments are errors in a similar vein. But should I be surprised? It has also been said that men think but women feel.
dear ex-jw.com.
many of you have asked me why i am in this place.
you think i am being disobedient to the faithful and discreet slave or being hypocritical when i frequent this site.
Dear ex-jw.com
Many of you have asked me why I am in this place. You think I am being disobedient to the faithful and discreet slave or being hypocritical when I frequent this site. Comforter now says that you people are correct. I should not be in this place. What was I thinking? If I want to be a consistent and upright jw serving God in rectitude, then I need to get up out of this place. So comforter says goodbye and leaves you people with a pet scripture. Thanks for pointing me back toward the organization. I will eternally be in your debt. Comforter will also say one other thing to you people. The society has never forbidden jws from using the internet. We are just told to avoid porno sites and apostate websites. Anybody who says different is a liar.
If anyone teaches false doctrines and does not agree to the sound instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ and to godly teaching, he is conceited and understands nothing. He has an unhealthy interest in controversies and quarrels about words that result in envy, strife, malicious talk, evil suspicions and constant friction between men of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth and who think that godliness is a means to financial gain. 1 Timothy 6:3-5.
Gotta go save some souls!
jehovah's witnesses proclaim the good news of the kingdom under the power of god's holy spirit.
jesus commanded his followers to preach in the most distant parts of the earth and promised them that the spirit of god would guide them in this life-saving work (acts 1:8).. without the spirit of god, one cannot continue preaching about jesus and god's kingdom (matthew 24:14).
one surely will not have god's spirit if one preaches a negative message (against jehovah's servants) from door to door.
???Do you have an extra helping of HS protection????
No. God does not give the spirit in portions.
???Do you count time while here????
Why would I?
???Perhaps you are one of the housebound who pioneers by letter-writing, and you prefer this forum????
jehovah's witnesses proclaim the good news of the kingdom under the power of god's holy spirit.
jesus commanded his followers to preach in the most distant parts of the earth and promised them that the spirit of god would guide them in this life-saving work (acts 1:8).. without the spirit of god, one cannot continue preaching about jesus and god's kingdom (matthew 24:14).
one surely will not have god's spirit if one preaches a negative message (against jehovah's servants) from door to door.
???Neither the name Jehovah nor the Tetragrammaton appears anywhere in the Greek scriptures, you halfwit.
If you want to discuss the meaning of words, at least get the language you are supposed
to be dealing with right.???
Is your head on straight, Farkel? Who said that Jehovah or the Tetragrammaton appears in the Greek bible?
Get your facts right.
jehovah's witnesses proclaim the good news of the kingdom under the power of god's holy spirit.
jesus commanded his followers to preach in the most distant parts of the earth and promised them that the spirit of god would guide them in this life-saving work (acts 1:8).. without the spirit of god, one cannot continue preaching about jesus and god's kingdom (matthew 24:14).
one surely will not have god's spirit if one preaches a negative message (against jehovah's servants) from door to door.
I will correct something I did earlier. Proverbs 11:31 should be Proverbs 11:30.
jehovah's witnesses proclaim the good news of the kingdom under the power of god's holy spirit.
jesus commanded his followers to preach in the most distant parts of the earth and promised them that the spirit of god would guide them in this life-saving work (acts 1:8).. without the spirit of god, one cannot continue preaching about jesus and god's kingdom (matthew 24:14).
one surely will not have god's spirit if one preaches a negative message (against jehovah's servants) from door to door.
???Thanks for the lesson [8-o]???
You welcome.
???OH by the way which Greek discussion group would YOU suggest? Certainly NOT GEEK-mythology @ yahoogroups.com????
Have you heard of b-greek?
???BTW . . . 'teacher' why do you need a "transliteration" or a "transliteration scheme" if you are such a great teacher. And why do you resort to a $15 bookshelf dictionary to 'teach' from.???
I do not need a transliteration scheme unless I post on Greek lists. Comforter reads Greek with smooth fluency. There was also a purpose in quoting Vine's. I will let you figure that one out.
???Y'wanna git RAW why didn't you use BDB or TDNT????
I use them both along with BAGD and LSJ.
???Oh yeah, and:
Did you know that onyl Jehovah is given such a title in the KJV?
In Ps. 111:9 -- which is the only place in the KJV where the word "reverend" appears, the term refers to holiness. And since our mandate from Him is:
Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy. 1Pe 1:16
maybe having a title that honors Him, and that honors the beauty of holiness ain't so bad.
Whattaya think???
I think I have a problem with people giving themselves a title that only belongs to God. I would say that "reverend" used in the psalm does not mean holiness. It means awe-inspiring.
jehovah's witnesses proclaim the good news of the kingdom under the power of god's holy spirit.
jesus commanded his followers to preach in the most distant parts of the earth and promised them that the spirit of god would guide them in this life-saving work (acts 1:8).. without the spirit of god, one cannot continue preaching about jesus and god's kingdom (matthew 24:14).
one surely will not have god's spirit if one preaches a negative message (against jehovah's servants) from door to door.
Dear Reverend J
Did you know that onyl Jehovah is given such a title in the KJV? I guess you did not know that either. I am not going to waste time with you since you cannot see what 1 Corinthians is clearly saying. But let me correct one of the many errors you make.
???Actually YOU are wrong. An 'eta' is a LONG E.???
I never said eta was not represented by the English long 'e'. My comments have to do with transliteration schemes.
???So regardless to what the "internet convention" might be, from a pronunciation standpoint, 'e' would be correct.???
We are talking about transliteration and not pronunciation. Typing mh is correct. But me (with a mark over it) is ok too.
??? The 'h' is used -- NOT becausse of some non-existent "internet convention" but because English language word-processors tranlsate the 'h' into 'eta' when you convert any font to "Greek' or "symbol"???
Join an internet group that discusses Greek and you will see that they use 'h' (capitalized normally) for eta.
The teacher is tired of correcting error for today.
jehovah's witnesses proclaim the good news of the kingdom under the power of god's holy spirit.
jesus commanded his followers to preach in the most distant parts of the earth and promised them that the spirit of god would guide them in this life-saving work (acts 1:8).. without the spirit of god, one cannot continue preaching about jesus and god's kingdom (matthew 24:14).
one surely will not have god's spirit if one preaches a negative message (against jehovah's servants) from door to door.
???Actually, it's 'me sunanamignumi' nottokeepcompany,???
Actually you are wrong. The usual internet convention is to transliterate the Greek eta with an 'h' and not an 'e' which is reserved for epsilon.
Vine's Expository Dictionary also says:
"to mix up with (sun, "with"), ana, "up," mignumi, "to mix, mingle." You is wrong.
???And the passage says absolutely NOTHING about an 'ousted brother' it says:
"But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer (reviler), or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.??? Can't you read. The verse says that if anyone practices these things and "is called a brother" do not mix with them. Get your glasses on. ???Stop your pathetic attempts with the Greek -- you don' have enough knowledge to push it. Just stick to your little NWT, and you won't betray your very apparent ignorance??? Who is ignorant now, dearie? All you got is a little bit of preacher Greek. You are not even up to the level of Vine's. Slam dunk! Comforter |
jehovah's witnesses proclaim the good news of the kingdom under the power of god's holy spirit.
jesus commanded his followers to preach in the most distant parts of the earth and promised them that the spirit of god would guide them in this life-saving work (acts 1:8).. without the spirit of god, one cannot continue preaching about jesus and god's kingdom (matthew 24:14).
one surely will not have god's spirit if one preaches a negative message (against jehovah's servants) from door to door.
I do not associate with anyone in this place. I am merely a nomad, a drifter and a pariah to you people. Like a mist, comforter will be here for a little while and then disappear. Furthermore we two have never talked much. So how can you say I have been associating with you? I just do not see it.
But the Bible uses the phrase mh sunanamignusthai ("not to be mixing selves up with") to command Christians not to socialize with ousted brethren. Now if you want me to leave I will be glad to. But I interpret the Greek differently than you do. I am in the this place but not a part of it.