???Actually ignorance is rarely a good thing; you gave a bad example too.???
but ignorance can be a good thing. the bible say be babes as to badness. i do not have to experience or do evil to know that i should not do evil deeds.
???My husband (who is white) has a very racist mother and he learned a lot from that. As far as Jim Crow laws. . . umm I still don't understand your point.???
my point is that slavery and jim crow laws is part of colored people history. you may not have went rhrough them but somebody in your family maybe did. it is a part of your heritage.
??? I am 23 so I didn't live during that time either. My parents are financially well off and I rarely deal with any kind of rascism. . so even though that is the case I still know that the word "colored" is NOT what average white person calls me or others of African descent. The only time I've been called colored was by a racist old white man.???
well i aint no racist. colored just seem like a nice word for people of color.