disagree without being disagreeable. you do not have to insult someone with cuss word like farkel does or say bad thing about someone momma because you disagree. that what comofrter is surprised at in this place.
to see apostates dwelling together in disunity!
you guys arguing about the right to say cuss words are something else.
disagree without being disagreeable. you do not have to insult someone with cuss word like farkel does or say bad thing about someone momma because you disagree. that what comofrter is surprised at in this place.
to see apostates dwelling together in disunity!
you guys arguing about the right to say cuss words are something else.
theocracy can never be totalitarianism. Jehovah God is the great theocrat. His organisation follow his lead. so while jw believe in unity, we not believe uniformity when it come to thought. comforter have his own opinion about thing and he voice them. he never felt that jw organisation totalitarian.
to see apostates dwelling together in disunity!
you guys arguing about the right to say cuss words are something else.
i am real or else you need to see a psychiatrist quick. <LOL> since you been carrying on dyalogue with comforter for pages and pages. i am real.
as for my address and congregation address, it would not do me any good to supply it to yew anyways. nobuddy in my congregatiuon know me as comforter. that is only a nom dee plume.
to see apostates dwelling together in disunity!
you guys arguing about the right to say cuss words are something else.
comfy like to follow theocratic order. he must wait until the elders ok study.
not all colored people feel the same about this subject.
to see apostates dwelling together in disunity!
you guys arguing about the right to say cuss words are something else.
???Actually ignorance is rarely a good thing; you gave a bad example too.???
but ignorance can be a good thing. the bible say be babes as to badness. i do not have to experience or do evil to know that i should not do evil deeds.
???My husband (who is white) has a very racist mother and he learned a lot from that. As far as Jim Crow laws. . . umm I still don't understand your point.???
my point is that slavery and jim crow laws is part of colored people history. you may not have went rhrough them but somebody in your family maybe did. it is a part of your heritage.
??? I am 23 so I didn't live during that time either. My parents are financially well off and I rarely deal with any kind of rascism. . so even though that is the case I still know that the word "colored" is NOT what average white person calls me or others of African descent. The only time I've been called colored was by a racist old white man.???
well i aint no racist. colored just seem like a nice word for people of color.
to see apostates dwelling together in disunity!
you guys arguing about the right to say cuss words are something else.
comforter did not say he from south. but he know people from south usa and he visit there. comfy cannot find out about colored culture from clubs because he dont club.
to see apostates dwelling together in disunity!
you guys arguing about the right to say cuss words are something else.
you must not have been down south usa before. a man from down south got mad when i called him black. he say to call him colored.
to see apostates dwelling together in disunity!
you guys arguing about the right to say cuss words are something else.
it good to be ignorant of some things. i glad my pappy never taught me to hate black folk or call them bad names. my point about jim crow laws was that i dont understand where colored folk coming from cause i aint been through their experiences.
glad to see progress is being made in the world with race relations. i will start study as soon as you go see the elders.
to see apostates dwelling together in disunity!
you guys arguing about the right to say cuss words are something else.
this is off topic but i talked to some colored friends that told me i better call them colored and not black. you ever been down south usa?
to see apostates dwelling together in disunity!
you guys arguing about the right to say cuss words are something else.
no that dont make it right, stinky. comforter like to learn different perspectives. he has trouble understanding something he never been through. comforter never had to go through slavery or jim crow laws. and he aint never been called the N word. but to use colored seem alright to him. no offense, stinky.