we thank yew fur yer hoomility, farkie.
i hurd that farkie gut a thanking problem.
he cannot thank fur heemself.. is that true?.
we thank yew fur yer hoomility, farkie.
i hurd that farkie gut a thanking problem.
he cannot thank fur heemself.. is that true?.
sum rumors are tru, yew no. I really thank that Farkie got a thanking problem. come on and admit it farkie.
i hurd that farkie gut a thanking problem.
he cannot thank fur heemself.. is that true?.
why yew peoples make funn of the weigh comforter tulk?
i hurd that farkie gut a thanking problem.
he cannot thank fur heemself.. is that true?.
And I yam still retared like Stephie. Jest so you no.
i hurd that farkie gut a thanking problem.
he cannot thank fur heemself.. is that true?.
I hurd that Farkie gut a thanking problem. He cannot thank fur heemself.
Is that true?
to see apostates dwelling together in disunity!
you guys arguing about the right to say cuss words are something else.
like you say, not all colored folks agree on this point. comforter try not to offend but he think some things silly. he cannot see why people make big deal about term colored or why some people think Amos and Andy was so offensive. it was a good show.
as far as color white, it is not a true color. it is a negation of a color.
to see apostates dwelling together in disunity!
you guys arguing about the right to say cuss words are something else.
disagree without being disagreeable. you do not have to insult someone with cuss word like farkel does or say bad thing about someone momma because you disagree. that what comofrter is surprised at in this place.
to see apostates dwelling together in disunity!
you guys arguing about the right to say cuss words are something else.
theocracy can never be totalitarianism. Jehovah God is the great theocrat. His organisation follow his lead. so while jw believe in unity, we not believe uniformity when it come to thought. comforter have his own opinion about thing and he voice them. he never felt that jw organisation totalitarian.
to see apostates dwelling together in disunity!
you guys arguing about the right to say cuss words are something else.
i am real or else you need to see a psychiatrist quick. <LOL> since you been carrying on dyalogue with comforter for pages and pages. i am real.
as for my address and congregation address, it would not do me any good to supply it to yew anyways. nobuddy in my congregatiuon know me as comforter. that is only a nom dee plume.
to see apostates dwelling together in disunity!
you guys arguing about the right to say cuss words are something else.
comfy like to follow theocratic order. he must wait until the elders ok study.
not all colored people feel the same about this subject.