Why Dont They Just Come Out and Tell the bloomin' REAL TRUTH?
I guess since they wont do it for themselves, right, I 'umbly (yes, I use this word "humbly" loosely, right, since I'm the boards MOST 'umble person) will do it for them.
Woss it that the bloomin' WTBTS sells? Is it truff, eh, luv? Is it salvation, isit?Is it a piece of mind, then, eh, guv? Is it promise from God?
Nope I can sum it all of wot they sell in ter one word:
D8TAS 'andy Dandy Guide ter WTBTS BULLSHIT
Jehovahs Witnesses 'oo Are They, then? Wot Do They Believe?
'oo Are They, isit?(Do we care?)
Its their desire that yer become better acquainted wiv their BULLSHIT. Yer may 'ave met them as neighbors and fellow employees or in uvver daily BULLSHIT of life. Yer may 'ave seen them on the bloomin' street, right, offerin' their BULLSHIT ter passersby, init?Or yer may 'ave spoken briefly wiv them at yor door about their BULLSHIT.
Actually, Jehovah's Witnesses are interested in yer and yor BULLSHIT. They want ter be yor mates and ter tell yer more about themselves, ffeir BULLSHIT, ffeir BULLSHIT organization, and 'ow they feel about the BULLSHIT blokes and the BULLSHIT world in wich all of us live. To accomplish this, they 'ave prepared this BULLSHIT for yer.
In most ways Jehovah's Witnesses are like evry geezer else. Right. They 'ave BULLSHIT economic, right, physical, emotional BULLSHIT. They make mistakes at times, for they ain't perfect, right, inspired, or infallible. But they try ter learn from their experiences and diligently study the BULLSHIT ter make needed corrections. They 'ave made a dedication ter BULLSHIT ter do BULLSHIT, and they apply HORSE SHIT themselves ter fulfill this BULLSHIT. In all their activities they seek guidance from the BULLSHIT and HORSE SHIT of the Divvys known as the bloody Governin' Body (aka: Master BULLSHITTERS).
The BULLSHIT of Jehovah's Witnesses in modern times 'as been filled wiv dramatic events, also referred ter as SELF RIGHTEOUS EGOTISTICAL MONKEY SPUNK! From the one wee Bible study in Pennsylvania hammer and tack in 1870, the chuffin' Witnesses by the chuffin' year 2000 grew ter some 90,000 congregations worldwide. Spot how many blokes believe the bloody BULLSHIT?
Wot Do They Believe, then, eh, luv? (As if yer dont know by now???)
They believe that, out of all the bloomin' BULLSHIT ever conceived in us history of 'umanity, that they 'ave the bloomin' TRUE AND ACCURATE BULLSHIT! Right! All that uvver BULLSHIT yerve 'eard in yor lifetime from any fairy else? Screw it all! Oi! Jehovah Witnesses are GODS CHOSEN PEOPLE TO SPREAD BULLSHIT! Struth! That's right! Struth! Now arent yer 'appy, that there are blokes in this world that actually 'ave found THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE BULLSHIT?
And wot are the perks? Eh up, if yer believe the bleedin' HORSE SHIT the chuffin' WTBTS shovels yer...GOD LOVES YOU and, right, and, yer cop to live forever on a paradise earff! Oi! Ain't that special? And guess wot 'appens ter all the chuffin' blokes 'oo refuse ter hear the chuffin' WTBTS's BULLSHIT, then, eh, luv? Well then yer cop ffrown in ter a lake of fire. wich is most likely filled wiv APE SHIT! Right! Now that is some serious SHIT! Right!
Wots better, lets say yor born in ter this SHIT. Yer grow up 'earin' and learnin' this BULLSHIT, and one day yer say: "I've about 'ad enough of this SHIT! Oi!".
And guess wot 'appens?
Just take a guess, then, eh, squire?
Please, isit?
THATS RIGHT! The chuffin' WTBTS believes it 'as a "God given right" ter ffrow BULLSHIT yor way! Honest guv! Oh, they just wont let yer go peacefully they'll make sure that in some way or anuvver (be it family and/or chinas, articles of smear, etc.) that they will frow their HORSE SHIT in yor paff.
Nowsome of yer 'ardcore scientific blokes want me ter back up and prove that the WTBTS is full of BULLSHIT. Some blokes want me to logically show that the bloody WTBTS are in error of their ways.
Know wot?
FUCK THAT SHIT! Honest guv!
There are 'UNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of experiences on this board and WWWeb of 'UNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of blokes, 'oo understand exactly wot Im postin' about 'ere ter day.
Im not gonna prove woss an obvious situation of some dickhead ass slimes in New York 'oo 'ave the same need of power and control of blokess lives as Nero, Napoleon, Franco, right, Hitler, right, Mussolini, and/or evry uvver individual(s) or empire in need of puttin' blokes in ter some type of bondage.
No reason ter be frickin REDUNDANT in presentin' such evidence.
I ravver just not take any more WTBTS BULLSHIT! Blimey!
Wellthats me BULLSHIT of the bleedin' day.
D8TA Jay Landry