rudimentery physics? you joking? i aint no scientist. what former postings gave you that idea? shouldn't you get a college grad to discuss them things with you?
JoinedPosts by comforter
Salvia Divinorum Anyone?
by Valis inhas anyone else tried salvia?
i recently tried this herb, which is a member of the sage family, via smoking it.
i must say that it is a psychedellic not for the faint of heart or one who fears the loss of control for several minutes at a time.
Salvia Divinorum Anyone?
by Valis inhas anyone else tried salvia?
i recently tried this herb, which is a member of the sage family, via smoking it.
i must say that it is a psychedellic not for the faint of heart or one who fears the loss of control for several minutes at a time.
i in the 12th grade. my teacher tolds me i was a student for live.
Salvia Divinorum Anyone?
by Valis inhas anyone else tried salvia?
i recently tried this herb, which is a member of the sage family, via smoking it.
i must say that it is a psychedellic not for the faint of heart or one who fears the loss of control for several minutes at a time.
comforter not highjackin your thread. this be a free country and board. i is free to speak my mind on this subject. my words were germane to the topic.
i used to be a dopehead before i got saved. thank Jehovah through Jesus that I was released from the cloudy mind that drugs give you. you cant be close to the true God without having a sober mind. beer dont bring no one no cloer to God of the bible and neither do drug abuse.
Salvia Divinorum Anyone?
by Valis inhas anyone else tried salvia?
i recently tried this herb, which is a member of the sage family, via smoking it.
i must say that it is a psychedellic not for the faint of heart or one who fears the loss of control for several minutes at a time.
comforter glad he got the truth. it help him to stay away from drugs and hallucinogenics. you cannot thank clearly or luv God wit your whole heart and mind when you high.
another sign of the end
by comforter insniper shootings.
these people sick.
but it shows the end is near.
i see you still mistakenly thank i dun scot. keep believing the lie. that ok. i did not say that reborn got a crush cause he jest started followering me. he mite have a crush. too early too tale.
another sign of the end
by comforter insniper shootings.
these people sick.
but it shows the end is near.
they will knoweth that a prophet was among them. laugh now. you mite not be laughing later. dont say we did not tell you.
another sign of the end
by comforter insniper shootings.
these people sick.
but it shows the end is near.
my true identity is comforter. i a jw. what more you want to know?
another sign of the end
by comforter insniper shootings.
these people sick.
but it shows the end is near.
paul did not believe he was living in last days in a universal style. he wrote timothy, "but know this, in the last days there will be" e&c. saying "there will be" indicate that paul thought last days was future and not then.
another sign of the end
by comforter insniper shootings.
these people sick.
but it shows the end is near.
the end did come in first century for those people in 70 ce.
i'd not just sit in a chair doing nothing. we need to work, preach good news, go to meetings and take care of families, e&c. but think of the patience of our lord as salvation. 2 Peter 3:15. God is not slow. He patient. I still believe in new system. 2 Peter 3:13. God can't lie. He gonna destroy this world one day and we best be ready. God is good and i can't live without him. he is creator and savior of all that believeth on him. God act in my life now. I gotta praise God for his works.
humans can misread bible prophecy. that don't mean it aint gonna happen. comforter judge nearness of end by a event's effect on people. snipings and al qauda terrorists got people feared to go out of homes and fly planes. the end is near.
told you the end wuz near. LOL. out of your own mouth.
another sign of the end
by comforter insniper shootings.
these people sick.
but it shows the end is near.
Sniper shootings. these people sick. but it shows the end is near. people scarred to come out they homes. the bible prophesy people would be afraid in last days. it happening.