No, I wouldn´t say so. The fact of the matter is that the discovery of being lied to, wasted time, wasted opportunities do have an inpact.
As others have stated already, critically looking at the believe system, the neccesity for it and much more have lead me to the point where I do feel something bigger must exists but it is hardly verifiable. So, I feel more agnostic than anything else. I have not discarded it all. Though a lot. But I do find religion, and especially the bible, fascinating.
Put into historical dimensions, people have always wanted to explain the bigger things in life. Now, als a society as a whole we have the means to make more discoveries than ever before and we find ourselves confronted with the truth of it: we are responsible for our own action and lethagy. There´s not something called security and conservatism. The sole aim of it contradicts everything in nature. Saying Satan has lead me. Sure. Your own desires have lead you. And when you want to see the devil, you´ll find him.
I´m not sure where my journey will lead me. To a certain extend, I would like to know that. But at the other hand, why would I. There are chances, opportunities in every period of life. You just need to recognize them and make use of them.
There´s a country in Europe where every year a celebration takes place on the 5th of december. It is called: SinterKlaas. Do not confuse it with Santa, although they share a few things in common.
Here´s a link:
If you think: He´s looks like a bishop, yes, your´re right. And it is amazing that a protestant/calvinistic country like the Netherlands it caught up every year in this celebration. May be it´s just a sign of their tolerance on other religions. I don´t know. What I do know is that the little kids all get exited about the presents they will get from SinterKlaas. however, in everyone´s life, there will come a time where the kid is confronted with the absolute truth: The gifts are not from SinterKlaas but from your family and relatives. The kid may have some problems over a period of some months with it. With the fact that he was lied to by his own parents for crying out loud; With the fact that something so cherished is absolute bogus, bullshit, wothless trash.
There are kids who find out themselves. They may tell other kids in their class. Then they are reproved for shocking to the core the little ones who still profess to believe in Sinterklaas. All parents say: it is such a nice celebration. SinterKlaas really exists, look, he´s entering the country this year in whatever small place by boat from Spain.
Yes, actually it is a n ice celebration, when you are up to recognizing the truth and not being manipulated by it anymore. Then you have the choice of not participating. And even when, it is of no concern. Just having a good time.
Being a witness have taught a thing or two. One, it was one step on the road to Christian Freedom. Two, I learned not to care to much about the opinion of others when it comes to my life and the way I want to live it. There a more things, but maybe, in a future point in time is a better occasion to disclose it.
But, as I have written in a previous post: It, the JW/ WT experience, has been a raft for crossing a river. Why hold on to it when it has served it purpose?
So, am I left with a shattered faith? No. Like the man said: it´s the ability to see the unseen based on facts demonstrated here and now. No way in hell, you can be succesfull without faith. Without faith you cannot hold on to your ideals. Faith in your own abilities. Faith in the fact that there´s badness, enmity, hatred and distrust. But also faith in the fact that there´s goodness, friendship and trustworthy people, out there, even under very bad conditions.
I was not maltreated by the JW/WT in the sense of so many others have already experienced. May be I will have my share of it later on. But it will not shatter my faith. It may make my life difficult for a time, but so be it. The world is a big playground.
What has been shattered, though, is the idiocy of being a blind trusting fool. And as long as I see fit, I´m having a good time and trying to play my cards right.