When taking an approach like that, the WT made it clear that religion is a brand. Use our soap because it make your, clothes, carpet, car, theeth, dishes, white, clean, the lot.
There are several Christian Groups who claim that believing in the trinity is essential to 1) being a genuine Christian an 2) receiving a status of being rescued
The message the NT conveys that it is possible to be reconcilled with God through one name only.
Basically, the NT is very abiguious about the matter. If the matter would be of such enourmous interest, wouldn´t God have provided a more clearer view of the matter?
Please, read Philipians 2:5-11. Please, take special note of verse 6. To a JW this text is clear cut. However. Reading this scripture from the ground text a total different picture emerges. Here´s why:Phi 2:6 ?? e? µ??f? ?e?? ?pa???? ??? a?pa?µ?? ???sat? t? e??a? ?sa ?e?
hos en morphe theou huparcho ou hapagmos hegomai ho eimai isa theo
the in form god came into existence/exists not snatching/robbery deems the to be equal god
Now, please check the words the WT has inserted to convey their arian-like stand.........
Who[, although, he was] existing in God’s form[, gave] no consider[ation to a] seizure[, namely that he should] be equal [to] God.
If we omit the added words:
who existing in God’s form, no consider seizure be equal God.
To what conclusion would a JW now come to (apart from being apaostate, fals religio, bla bla. )? Indeed, most could not come to a conclusion.
Please, note that the standard JW reply, does not adress this NWT translation biase. Instead they attack the translators who had the idea of translating robbery/snatching with holding on to. Which is not the point of discussion but with reasoning on the scriptures one does not have to reason at all.
I did not show this to invoke a trinity discussion but to just show that the bible is not very clear in this matter and JW have a trenmendous unfounded biase. May be this may help them to overcome the issue.