Is it not interesting? No one knows where Moses is buries, or jesus for that matter ... only rumours and unsubstantiated claims. Well, I guess Booze must have been a profit then.
hi everybody.
i would like to know where is the grave of joseph franklyn rutherford?.
Is it not interesting? No one knows where Moses is buries, or jesus for that matter ... only rumours and unsubstantiated claims. Well, I guess Booze must have been a profit then.
when we moved up to pa back in late april the first thing i did when we got here was to grow a beard.
not a full face beard just around the mouth beard.
i love the look but my wife although she thinks i look good with it does make me look older because it is grey.
IMHO: that depends on the quality of your wifes kisses, does it not?
i am wondering if it is possible to completely forget our jw experience after a long time, and live life as if we have never been one.
no memories, no bitterness, no meeting up with ex-members, nothing connected to the jws in our feelings.. is this ever possible, could it ever happen, and how long possibly..
watchtower lawyer fills in the baptism blank .
today i uploaded a new article to my blog addressing something important that watchtower does not disclose to baptismal candidates, yet on the other hand is ever ready to point out to persons after baptism if they do something silly like ask for correspondence written about their own person.
my article contains a letter from a watchtower staff attorney informing just such an individual.
hmmm ... what has not been adressed is that the babtismal vow has dramatically changed as of 1985. Pre 85's have no such pledge of adherence but that a person will be guided by his conscience and holy spirit. . And declaring " by extension" hardly suffices, I think. So ... I believe Marvin that there is more to it than meets the eye.
Congratulations on the find.
first, a bit of background:.
i was recently in a discussion about the possibility of life outside of earth, on distant planets with two jehovah's witness friends of mine.
both seemed skeptical.
Universal souvereignity is a moot point. Genesis 11 throroughly finishes the idea of such a thing even existing. If man cannot achieve all it has put it's sights on, there is no real challenge to universal souvereignity, is there?
The issue as described in Daniel 4 about the tree, has nothing to do with UNIVERAL souvereignity but with GLOBAL dominion in the kingdom of mankind. The witnesses fail to read what it says ...But what's new there ...
It's sort of like: Don't steal; the government hates competition.
minnesota rep. michele bachmann won a test vote of iowans on saturday, a show of strength five months before the state's caucuses kick off the gop presidential nominating season.. the result is the first indication of what iowans think of the field of republicans competing for the chance to challenge president barack obama next fall.
but it's hardly predictive of who will win the winter iowa contest, much less the party nod or the white house.. well... there goes the neighborhood....
do not engage in sexual activity with sperm donors
Interesting Sam you are saying this. It's a peculiar stance for 4 reasons:
1) not every sexual contact needs to be by default a penis in vigina thing. There are a host of other things lovers can do without the sperm running for it's life to an egg thing.
2) there are a host of cheap vertility control options out there that can be obtained without burdening the healthcare system. People don't get pregnant by accident but by either ignorance or shame.
3) your statement seems to be advocating lesbian sex since you decry sex with a sperm donor which biologically should mean: men.
4) personal liberty, welfare and happiness should entail the choices with regards to engaging in sex. This is none of the business of either politicians, the governement, the tax collector or insurance companies, etc.
In a free market place, an insurance company might even reimburse the costs for vertility control because it may safe on other issues, like hospitalisation, etc. I would say, that's something the market is very capable of regulating that themselves.
i'm quite new to this site, and i've noticed that many of you are more than happy to call yourselves "apostates", even though many of you evidently believe in the bible and in jesus as saviour, etc.. i'm aware that the society brands anyone who disagrees with them as being an "apostate", but just because they choose to do this, does this mean we should be comfortable with being so branded?
should we "bend over" and take it?.
here is what the insight book says on apostasy:.
Being an apostate is something that every person is. Who never changed his mind in the face of evidence and logic?
Reading history is one long row of people changing their minds.
What is wrong with that.
As for: Acts 5:37, concerning Judas the Galilean who “drew off” (a·pe′ste·se, form of a·phi′ste·mi) followers; So what?If apostasy is such a horrible thinkg, why did God instigate it by confusing the languages? Gen 11? From this, all tribal, religious, national dissent draws.
watchtowers sexual subliminal?
today i uploaded a new article to my blog.
it addresses one of the cleverest subliminal image sets ive seen in a long time, and perhaps the best of all amongst watchtower publications.
it goes for other languages as well: the little squirrel is eating an : " eikel" , meaning the top section of a penis. the WBTS is sublimally advocating oral sex ....
it's like, how many people does it take to screw in a lightbulb...... so, i dropped by someone's house last weekend this person was raised in the watchtower cult, and has been around it for several decades.
nice person, but not active in the meetings, never in service, and never baptised, etc.
rarely goes to the meetings - perhaps once every 2 months.
It's like they are just waiting for the host to be weak
That sounds very parasite - isch to me .... a little broad spectrum antibiotics would not hurt, I suppose
is it possible that our american friends are going to default ?is this game of brinkmanship going to end, and when are the us political classes in washington going to realise this shit affects us all globally, i am glad i sold my shares a while back........a.concerned observer !!!!
Is it possible that our American friends are going to default ?
Yes of course it is possible.
If this is the way the US can be forced to live within it's means than by all means, default. Governements have defaulted all the time and a US default is no exception.
There's 1.7 trillion flown into the US treasury coffers till june, far exceeding the income of last year. My guess is that they will still get another half a trillion in july to september. I fail to see how a default on interest obligation, medicasi/care and social security checks is going to occur.
What I do agree with is that incurring debt upon debt upon debt is not very helpful in getting out of debt or restrain endebtness. Interest payments take money out of the own economy to waiver it to someone else's. Imagine what would happen when the government is growing exponetially! Exactly, you would need to raise the debt ceiling time and again to pay for an expanding government.
But the US is defaulting constantly. But not only the US, Europe, and other coutries in using the same monetary tools are defaulting on their obligations. How? By manipulating the moneysupply. It's called devaluation. The inflation in Europe is at 11 or more%. You only have to check the growth of the money supply against the official inflation.
A friend of mine has a US pension of about 500$. It used to be 600 € in value. Now it's worth 375 and dropping. It simply means he can buy less for the same amount. That's defaulting on your own people. I think that's plain bad. It's a device to tranfer wealth without your consent. It is a flagrant disregard for the basis of human discourse: property rights. It's called stealing.