recoveringexjw -
I don't think I knew anyone in Murfressboro...I did live in HSV, AL for a while, which may even be closer than Knoxville area.. I live in the Pacific Northwest U.S. now, but send me an email if you want to chat.
i am looking for old friends that may have left the jw's.
i grew up in seymour, tn but knew lots of folks from knoxville area...1980's until 1990's.
was in hazard, ky for a while as well.
recoveringexjw -
I don't think I knew anyone in Murfressboro...I did live in HSV, AL for a while, which may even be closer than Knoxville area.. I live in the Pacific Northwest U.S. now, but send me an email if you want to chat.
i just showed the (bill bowen) cnn article to my father(active jw), and he started defending the jws before he even finished reading it.
why are they always so averse to looking at possible flaws?
its frustrating to see them constantly defending the faith, blindly.
Dubla, I can relate...My mom - a JW who has mastered the art of shunning, and calls me once a year at memorial time- called me yesterday to tell me about the article on CNN and in the same breath, tell me why it was misleading. However, this is a woman who was willing to die because of the blood issue a month ago. She will never see any wrong in the "org".... I wasn't even given the opportunity to tell her what I KNEW was really going on. It is so sad how controlled her thinking is..
the season finale is on tonight.
mtv at 10:30pm.. i didn't catch the first few epidsodes, but i have to admit, i find the show hilarious.
i'm hooked.
I LOVE it!! I am so hooked. He really is a freak, the episode where he chases his poor dog around with a fake dog cracked me up.
I am looking for anyone who knew Aaron McCutcheon.
i posted several months back about a book that i knew of that was being released in 2002. it was written by a women who was in the congregation that i grew up in.
she was an elder's wife and i grew up with her daughter who is my age.
the book has been published and released and is on bookstore shelves now.
I just finished the book; it's pretty good. It's an easy read; I finished it in one weekend. I would say it is pretty accurate, at least compared to my experience.
What I found most interesting, being raised a JW, is the perspective from someone who became a witness while an adult, then left. I have shared it with my husband, who struggles to understand the JW mentality...I think it will be good for him to read.
there are two things.
in the early and mid 80s there were witnesses saying that the cartoon characters the smurfs were not acceptable for witnesses.
i had two smurf cartoon books and my mother made me throw them away.
I was told by an elder's wife that if you go to a garage sale, walk through and make sure there are no Ouija boards or satanic literature (or smurfs) before you buy anything! She had heard about this sister who almost died when her bedspread (purchased at a garage sale) tried to choke her while she slept. Demons!
what effect has having a whole section of your life proved to be a falsehood had on you?.
anybody that has been a witness will understand the time, effort, comitment and money that it took to be a member.
the way it dominated our lives, affected every decision we made and shaped our future.. some have left and turned to other faiths and some (like myself) have lost all religious faith (and i make no appology for that).
Carmel, I like that, it goes right along with TheRedPill too. The WTS is very close-minded (and encourages it) as do most "religions" that exclude whole belief systems. I think open minded and tolerant is what any higher power would want of us! Putting people into little molds (religions or life choices) and categorizing them as good and bad / right and wrong is closed...
what effect has having a whole section of your life proved to be a falsehood had on you?.
anybody that has been a witness will understand the time, effort, comitment and money that it took to be a member.
the way it dominated our lives, affected every decision we made and shaped our future.. some have left and turned to other faiths and some (like myself) have lost all religious faith (and i make no appology for that).
TheRedPill - Welcome, and I really enjoyed your first post! I think you are right on the money!
what effect has having a whole section of your life proved to be a falsehood had on you?.
anybody that has been a witness will understand the time, effort, comitment and money that it took to be a member.
the way it dominated our lives, affected every decision we made and shaped our future.. some have left and turned to other faiths and some (like myself) have lost all religious faith (and i make no appology for that).
ballistic -
Trust is a huge issue for in my own judgement for sure. When everything and everyone you have believed in turns out to be a big fat lie, I think it's natural to question every single thing and everyone going forward. If I was able to believe in the WT so much, and be so wrong, I could do it again. I question myself a lot! I am a big skeptic, so I am always looking for the flaws in ideas,religion, politics, finance etc...they are pretty easy to find too, (especially if you're looking for them).
hi everyone,.
i am a new poster who is putting off their own personal story of finding this site for a while..... i find alot of people here utterly fascinating, and would like to know..... exactly what is everyones professional field of work?.
i would like to be a full time poster on this forum, but alas, the $$$$ are quite light in that field of work.. apologies if this has been asked before.. just curious.
joy2bfree - I think you have the most awesome job mentioned so far! I would much rather watch miracles happen for a living!