Well the top news on jw.borg is a family being honoured for saving another family from a burning care. Propaganda at its worst!
No bad news jw.borg, only something that resembles a north Korean publicity agent with a gun at their head!
it may have been posted already, however can anyone tell me if the gb has responded in any way to the issues going on in australia, either vague references or tv.
Well the top news on jw.borg is a family being honoured for saving another family from a burning care. Propaganda at its worst!
No bad news jw.borg, only something that resembles a north Korean publicity agent with a gun at their head!
vincent toole has a history of stating blatant untruths in order to protect the wt.. he is recorded as once saying that shunning was "a myth".. i wonder how linguistically pedantic will he get, and how much double-speak will he employ in order to defend the current wt policies.
my guess is he will try to twist the senior counsel in knots with wordy responses, in the hope they will simply run out of time.. if this fails then i'm expecting some howlers of deception..
i just sent this email to angus stewart:.
i hope this email finds you well.
i would like to say thank you for your work on the royal commission, particularly in your handling of the jehovah's witnesses elders and experts during questioning.
This will motivate the commission so much. We can just see how much they are enjoying ripping apart the very fabric of the watchtower.
They certainly take no prisoner and don't fall for the watchtowers bullshit. How Angus and the crew could actually sit through all the watchtower junk I have no idea, it certainly takes a brave man to sit down and look through the jargon!
All this exposure is doing is showing the watchtower to be a high control dangerous cult. Impacted more today by the refusal of Jackson giving evidence.
I do feel actually making it public knowledge that Jackson didn't want to get involved was a deliberate move. This is due to the uncooperative nature of all the elders. The watchtower still think they are untouchable, they are finding out extremely fast that Australia don't take fools gladly.
vincent toole has a history of stating blatant untruths in order to protect the wt.. he is recorded as once saying that shunning was "a myth".. i wonder how linguistically pedantic will he get, and how much double-speak will he employ in order to defend the current wt policies.
my guess is he will try to twist the senior counsel in knots with wordy responses, in the hope they will simply run out of time.. if this fails then i'm expecting some howlers of deception..
hey, hey geoffrey j,.
will you testify today?.
hey, hey geoffrey j,.
Exactly what I was thinking Litebrite. Who gives a flying fuck about Jackson's compassionate needs. This selfish prick has not even thought about all the trauma so many have gone through. Once again another governing body member slime's out of coming forward.
This is actually doing damage to the org, I can't see how anyone could view it any other way. Ultimately it's about control of the rank and file. if word got out Jackson had appeared before the commission I think the watchtower would start losing control of the rank and file!
sorry i have to remain completely anonymous about this but you will see why.
i have first hand knowledge that geoffrey jackson of the governing body is staying with his parents in toowoomba, queensland for the next few weeks.
he has already been in australia for a couple of weeks.
Not a set up at all, my feeling is Jackson is there in the background so to speak to keep abreast of proceedings. There is no way watchtower would announce a member of the governing body is in Australia conveniently at the time of the investigation! Can you imagine the suspicion this would create if people knew he was in the country, not to mention the press attention he would get being one of the leaders of Jehovah's Witnesses!
why did disfellowshipped ex elder baker not explain why the elders have not informed themselves about the royal commission ?
mr stewart gave him the opertunity to explain the "no part of this world" doctrine, he merely expressed surprise that they had not informed themselves as if it were a personal foible of those particular elders.
it would have been a great opertunity to express disgust at the distain and uncaring attitude the society exhibits toward its worldly neighbours, i also believe him to be out of date re superior authority doctrine ..giving creedence to the lie the jw's are good and productive members of society.
Sorry I should have explained it better. During the questioning of Ron de Roy de Roy mentioned using Deuteronomy and the fact the witnesses do take the scriptures literal. The judge the went on to say in accordance to Deuteronomy would Jehovah's witnesses also stone a woman for adulterery!
Basically the judge pulled out an ace card lol.
Just before the morning adjournment in the Australian proceedings the judge played an absolute blinder.
He asked the elder as in Deuteronomy would the Jehovah's Witnesses stone a woman for committing adultery?!
so, i am back at it.
i give you day 5 of the royal commissions proceedings:.
part 1 has been uploaded and part 2,3 and 4 will soon be available.. part 1:.
I think the watchtower lawyer is signalling quite a lot when I'm looking at him. Now I know he is the watchtower lawyer I'm going to go through all the other videos again to see if he is directing all the elders.
So far he's done piss poor job!