Something I found out yesterday. You know the bit of your eye called the cuticle. Apparently that bit of skin actually served a purpose at one time. It used to be a third eyelid! Does that mean we evolved from some sort of lizard species?
If so, that could prove that we are definitely more that 6000 years old.
Also the totally useless body organ that is called the appendix did have a purpose at one time. It was a crucial organ to break down vegetation, meaning there was a time we only ate vegetation. Meat is something that obviously introduced to our diet many centuries ago! Oh and it wasn't god commanding Noah that he could eat meat because the flood had swept away all the vegetation, there are a great many edible vegetation found in water!
The flood could never have happened. For one, the sanitation levels would have been to much to bare and would more than likely kill every living thing on board what was essentially a box!
And, where did all the water drain too, and how did kangaroos hop all the way to Australia? This is just one species in many that are unique to a particular continent. Did just two kangaroos hear god - the great doctor dolittle calling them to hop all the way to a middle eastern land to catch a boat?!