JoinedPosts by username
Are Elders experts on the Bible? Are they spirtually qualified men?
by John Aquila inhow many times have elders read their bible in its entirety?
these are the leaders that give counsel to married couples, to teenagers, to single girls and single boys on everything from marriage, education, sex, association, dress, and recreation..
how well do they know their bible?
Spiritually qualified=brainwashed -
changing user name
by umbertoecho ini really need to change my username.
could someone assist with this please
Username is already taken ;) hehe -
How many years will pass before the world recognizes we were right?
by John Aquila inits inevitable that at some point in time, people will look back and see that the exjw community was right about the watchtower organization and the bible..
i have some friends who are catholic, protestant, and some who dont associate with any religion but believe jesus will come in their lifetime.
we are such a small minority compared to christians that we are viewed as ignorant when it comes to religious matters.
I believe it is already in motion. You only have to read between the lines regarding the talks to see the watchtower are preparing for their own get out clause.
Something that struck me is the current watchtower on the great tribulation. The governing body will suddenly dissapear. Yeah, through the back door and whisked away to spend the rest of their lives in luxery - top secret of course! Its happening now!
Tony Morris talks on YouTube - is there any way to verify that they are his talks?
by jambon1 init's been levelled that the talks you can find on youtube are fake and that they are not the words of morris, such as the one below.
it'd be really helpful to me if there was a way to verify and prove that they are his talks.. cab anyone help?.
Most Tony Morris videos are in fact him speaking, and yes he is bat shit crazy. As steve2 said, some have been embellished with silly immature songs.
There are raw unedited Tony Morris videos on YouTube if you search deep enough.
I have been blocked!!!
by username inas the title eludes, i have been blocked from a website, the cheek of it.
what site you may ask?
i was blocked from a active jwforum, i haven't even posted any comments yet haha!
The jw site in question is fill yah boots as they say in Scotland lol. -
I have been blocked!!!
by username inas the title eludes, i have been blocked from a website, the cheek of it.
what site you may ask?
i was blocked from a active jwforum, i haven't even posted any comments yet haha!
As the title eludes, I have been blocked from a website, the cheek of it. What site you may ask?
I was blocked from a active jwforum, I haven't even posted any comments yet haha! When I contacted the site admin team on why I had been blocked the answer was they didn't know me so decided to search (snoop) to see who I am, apparently the result of the search resulted in my name showing up on an "apostate" site lol.
This actually made me laugh as I've never been blocked from any website, let alone for just viewing it! Just shows you this cult is far from being true Christians.
Brave high school student exposes abuse and corruption within Jehovahs witnesses
by Watchtower-Free in
I don't think this should be given to John Cedars. Rather this merits an interview with Erik-aka jwstruggle. I personally would love to hear her interview and Erik actually gives the interviewee free reign. -
Get behind me...ERM Satan!
by username inok random thought just popped in my mind!.
if satan was cast down from heaven in 1914 how did he tempt jesus almost 2000 years previously?
surely jeeeeehovah wouldn't have let the evil one reside in heaven for so long?
Ok random thought just popped in my mind!
If Satan was cast down from heaven in 1914 how did he tempt Jesus almost 2000 years previously? Surely Jeeeeehovah wouldn't have let the evil one reside in heaven for so long? Especially as it was his son he tempted!
Told you it was random!
2015 Convention Releases
by wifibandit in
Just watched what is real love...well the org make it so easy for us to bash em. It was like watching an episode of Home and Away, the most excruciating, painfull thing I've had to endure.
On a scale of one to ten, I give it 10...needles that I'd rather have shoved in my eyeballs!!!
2015 Convention Releases
by wifibandit in
Affectively stealing from children is morally unacceptable, is there any way this video can be leaked to the appropriate authority? Soliciting funds from children is evil it reminds if the idiom "stealing candy from a baby" wrong wrong wrong.
The Caleb video where he brakes vase. The reality in this would be...let's go and tell your mum and when she has give you the beating of your life I will also give you a beating so there is no doubt in Caleb's mind that although it was only a vase he needs to be taught a lesson!!!