You like the northern English accent then SecretSlaveClass? Lol. I bloody hate it I've lived in Scotland for fifteen years and I'm still trying to get rid of my northern English accent
JoinedPosts by username
Bethel Provides Excellent Clarification of "This Generation"
by berrygerry inbethel clarifies "this generation" via letter.
Syrian crisis (part 2)
by username inwell my friends its time to kiss our arses good-by.
our uk prime minister is in his infinite wisdom is on a war footing against assad.
it is being reported over on sky news.
That is damn creepy Village Idiot! Actually it reminds me of the assembly dramas lol -
Syrian crisis (part 2)
by username inwell my friends its time to kiss our arses good-by.
our uk prime minister is in his infinite wisdom is on a war footing against assad.
it is being reported over on sky news.
Note the wording in that report. Strong military action! What does that mean? Pummeling a already war torn country even more to its ultimate destruction! -
Syrian crisis (part 2)
by username inwell my friends its time to kiss our arses good-by.
our uk prime minister is in his infinite wisdom is on a war footing against assad.
it is being reported over on sky news.
I stopped watching mainstream telly a long time ago. The misinformation from the mainstream news networks is diabolical, propaganda fueled!
The WTS invests in military industries?
by Achille inwhat do you think of this document?
the wts invests in military industries?. .
Has anyone watched the Zeitgeist trilogy, its very much an eye opener and touches on religion just being another chain in the cog that leads to the people with the money. Funny enough, the ones who have money in the billions are Zionists. Does that remind you of a certain movement we all have in common here??? -
Syrian crisis (part 2)
by username inwell my friends its time to kiss our arses good-by.
our uk prime minister is in his infinite wisdom is on a war footing against assad.
it is being reported over on sky news.
Well my friends its time to kiss our arses good-by. Our UK prime minister is in his infinite wisdom is on a war footing against Assad. It is being reported over on sky news.
Camaron and his pall Obama created civil unrest in Syria, which in turn has Syrians fleeing due to the UK and the US bombing Syria, then they have the absolute nerve to say it is syrias falt thus we now need to go to war. Meanwhile Putin is setting up bases in Syria to support Assad....This is not going to end well!
Well done Camaron, I applaud you for using a dead toddler and several thousand fleeing Syrians to benefit your own personal political agenda! Well done for creating a false flag scenario to get the public on side to go to war. Well done to you for the shit that will surely hit the fan. Let's all stand applaud this Etan posh boy fool!
Hot New Ford GT, and the GB!!
by DwainBowman inok, i was reading a story about fords new ford gt, one hot extreme muscle car.
the story tells about how a car like this normally takes 6 or more years from, first scratches on paper to finished project.
their small handful of specialist, pulled it off in 2. and right until it was finished, no one out side of the small circle of people (about 25 people ) really knew anything, except something special was in the works!.
The kingdoom hall where I frequented is already showing signs of shody workmanship. Toilets blocking due to poor plumbing (the sisters were blamed for this but that's another gory story) cracks in the walls, air conditioning never quite working, ( either too hot are too bloody cold) uneaven cracking paving stones, arms on chairs quite literally falling off!
Jehovah's' hand was surely in this project!
Revelation 8:8 Is a comet / asteroid heading here soon?
by FuzzyPaul ini have read a lot and watched some you-tube videos (some by marginally lunatic fringe christians - not necessarily invalidating) searching for asteroid september 2015 or comet september 2015.. there is some biblical evidence that, if one doesn't spiritualize / make literally invalid by symbolic exercise, that at the time of the end of the age there will be a uniquely severe, single great earthquake (isaiah 29:6, zecharia 4:7, haggia 2:6, revelation 6:12, revelation 16:18) and destructive objects described as hail, mountains falling from the sky, stars falling onto earth.
i note that ancients would not recognize the vastness of outer space and meteroids, asteroids, comets, planets being what we know them as.. there is also the exact symbol of "then the second angel blew his trumpet, and a great mountain of fire was thrown into the sea.
one-third of the water in the sea became blood, one-third of all things living in the sea died, and one-third of all the ships on the sea were destroyed.
There are two topics that are always to be broached in a cautious way. One is politics, the other is religion, these two subjects can really cause a untold amount of strife. I guess now we can add conspiracy to this list! I've never seen so much hatred towards people who think out of the box! -
Revelation 8:8 Is a comet / asteroid heading here soon?
by FuzzyPaul ini have read a lot and watched some you-tube videos (some by marginally lunatic fringe christians - not necessarily invalidating) searching for asteroid september 2015 or comet september 2015.. there is some biblical evidence that, if one doesn't spiritualize / make literally invalid by symbolic exercise, that at the time of the end of the age there will be a uniquely severe, single great earthquake (isaiah 29:6, zecharia 4:7, haggia 2:6, revelation 6:12, revelation 16:18) and destructive objects described as hail, mountains falling from the sky, stars falling onto earth.
i note that ancients would not recognize the vastness of outer space and meteroids, asteroids, comets, planets being what we know them as.. there is also the exact symbol of "then the second angel blew his trumpet, and a great mountain of fire was thrown into the sea.
one-third of the water in the sea became blood, one-third of all things living in the sea died, and one-third of all the ships on the sea were destroyed.
@Finkelstein I do hope your kidding with your rather abusive comments? We all have our freedom to think whatever we like but don't impose your feelings on someone just because its different to your way of thinking.
I will remind you of something I've said before. Remember the background we all come from. Now tell me, wasn't this the biggest conspiracy theory we thought was actually the truth? Personaly I love the way the mind ticks and how even the smartest people can be duped into believing a lie.
Also I'm saying is let people be who they want to be, its not a nice thing to be labeled as crazy or suffering from bipolar. It's easy to slap a label on something we don't understand, that way the cognitive dissonance doesn't have to hurt us as much. -
TV.JW.ORG (September 2015) - Generation explained again
by Designer Stubble inguess the overlapping generation concept is difficult for most to comprehend.
david spane does his best to explain it again.
the cutoff date for this generation has now moved to 1992 (was once 1935), the year that fred franz died.
I see Applegate reared its ugly head again. Looking at Davey boy I think he is wearing one of those golden Apple watches too!