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Jehovah's Witnesses want to invite you to their newly refurbished hall!
by username ini just seen this on goggle news.
a report into a hall actually being refurbished!.
Funny when we are awake we can see a sales pitch for what it is. -
I JUST FOUND out that my husband was in one of the Dramas at the RC
by PaintedToeNail ini just learned that my husband was in one of the dramas at this year's rc.
i have no idea which one.
the way that i found out is: while looking for a confirmation email for a plane trip we are making, i opened his account.
In that case he may not have made it home. The west tend to look suspiciously at Arabs. 😉 -
Jehovah's Witnesses want to invite you to their newly refurbished hall!
by username ini just seen this on goggle news.
a report into a hall actually being refurbished!.
You could have a point there Gail.
My old hall was the same, only we had lovely browny beige seats and a far better carpet than this one! That carpet is actually giving me the creeps, reminds me of something totalitarian.
ˌtəʊtalɪˈtɛːrɪən,tə(ʊ)ˌtalɪ-/adjective- 1.relating to a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state."a totalitarian regime"
synonyms: authoritarian, autocratic, autarchic, dictatorial, tyrannical, oppressive,repressive, one-party, monocratic, absolute, absolutist, undemocratic,anti-democratic, illiberal, despotic, fascist, fascistic, Nazi, neo-Nazi,Stalinist; dystopian"a totalitarian state"
Jehovah's Witnesses want to invite you to their newly refurbished hall!
by username ini just seen this on goggle news.
a report into a hall actually being refurbished!.
I just seen this on Goggle news. A report into a hall actually being refurbished!
By the way, I wouldn't have bothered it looks so drab. Note the article points to the seats? At first I thought the color of said seats do not really match the decor, then it hit me. Their JW>BORG BLUE!!! OMG! They are now sitting on the thrones of their leaders!
Update on Royal Commission - "Child sex abuse inquiry hears 4000th testimony"
by OrphanCrow innewcastle heraldchild sex abuse inquiry hears 4000th testimonyby joanne mccarthy sept. 10, 2015, 10:30 p.mthe royal commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse held its 4000th private hearing in a jail in august as britain followed australias lead in tackling child sexual abuse.the royal commission heard evidence on august 19 from a prisoner who had been sexually abused as a britain, the head of its newly established independent inquiry into child sexual abuse praised the remarkable response to the australian a speech to australian church leaders on thursday, royal commissioner justice peter mcclellan said he was pleased the british inquiry would closely follow successful australian arrangements.more than 1500 people were waiting for a private hearing and about 40 people a week requested a private hearing, justice mcclellan said.the royal commission has received 16,361 allegations involving 3566 institutions since it was established in november 2012 following the newcastle heralds shine the light campaign for a royal commission into historic child sexual abuse.more than 7000 allegations relate to religious institutions, with 4418 against the catholic church, and more than 3600 against government institutions.allegations against other churches are: anglican, 871; uniting church, 411; presbyterian, 123; methodist, 69; salvation army, 519; jehovahs witnesses, 137; jewish, 80; baptist, 59; seventh day adventist, 56; australian christian churches, 50; lutheran, 32; brethren, 30; mormon, 18; coptic orthodox, 4; and greek orthodox, 2.justice mcclellan said the royal commission had referred 727 matters to police to investigate with a view to prosecuting alleged the past few weeks, the royal commission had reported to the federal government on a national redress scheme for victims of was clear that time limits presented a considerable, and sometimes an insurmountable, burden for survivors wishing to commence civil proceedings against child sex offenders and institutions, he said.the royal commission should also mark the end of the societal norm that children should be seen but not heard, he said.when the required silence of the child was accompanied by an unquestioning belief by adults in the integrity of the carer ... the power imbalance was entrenched to the inevitable detriment of many children, justice mcclellan said.we must ensure that in the future the institution does not silence the child.
I sorry to be the harbinger of doom but regarding the UK inquiry. If the government are trying to suppress child abuse allegations made against their own MP's , I can't imagine the UK inquiry being very successful! -
Are you angry for having been a JW?
by Half banana ini remember seeing the ex-jws parading around outside the assembly like lepers holding placards of hate.
we were the righteous and enlightened ones... and they were lost in outer darkness.
just dont look at them was the standard response to their unwelcome presence..
Anger eats away at you. The best defence is to show every jw your happy. Don't let anger control you as this is something we were always taught. Anyone who leaves the cult are always bitter and angry! -
Syrian crisis (part 2)
by username inwell my friends its time to kiss our arses good-by.
our uk prime minister is in his infinite wisdom is on a war footing against assad.
it is being reported over on sky news.
I totally agree in the destruction of extremist groups such as this. What I don't agree in is the words "collateral damage" words used to describe civilians being killed in the line of fire! And believe me, this happens every day!
The UK and the US condemn mass genocide when we are just as guilty for this. True hypocrisy an a global level!
WTB&TS has invested $40,000,000 in November 2007 in a Hedge fund located in the Cayman Islands, a tax haven
by sammy inwtb&ts has invested $40,000,000 in november 2007 in a hedge fund located in the cayman islands, a tax haven.
the document is from the official website : securities and exchange commission:. .
The GB need to go somewhere when they are suddenly raptured.....out the back door of watchtower HQ and secretly whisked to a paradise island somewhere in the pacific! -
bottom line on new generation thinking -very simple
by nowwhat? inwhen they came up with the overlapping generations new lite, they must have received alot of "where's the scriptural precedent?!
so they came up with the account of joseph and his brothers to shut them up.
still they are trying to make a round peg fit in a square hole to fit 1914 in the equation.
Not only that, time was running out even with the overlapping generation change. Now they have bought more time. -
Is it worth making a JW Talk profile?
by Lemonp ini have looked at the jw talk forums every now and again.
is it any use making a profile to get in?
mainly just to laugh at the pathetic discussion that they carry on with.
I don't think even North Korea comes close to the heavy scrutiny your put under on JWtalk. Most of them appear to be batshit crazy anyway!
For example I watched a post very closely regarding those 4 pioneers who were killed in a car accident. It didn't take long for them to mention the "new world"
One even said that they will now bypass the GT.... In other words, as in monopoly they have acquired the get out of jail free card! Hmmmmmm!