Mine says "If it looks like I'm enjoying myself, take my temperature!"
JoinedPosts by copsec
Your Favorite Coffee Cup Says....
by little witch inmine says;
forgive me father for i have sinned
and it felt terrific!
Talking the talk is one thing, but would you ever dare to.......
by ParadigmRevolution in.
Yep, I was naked! I was terrified for all of about five minutes and then I had a blast! Although I still say it felt strange to sit down and eat dinner next to strangers, BUTT NAKED!
A real picture of me!!
by dustyb inthis is me and a few of my homies.
i'm the guy in the blue shirt.
anyways, today's been a helluva good day.
LOL Valis, by the way, when are you getting a new avatar? My breasts ache every time I look at yours!
Democrat or Republican?
by spiritwalker inwhen i left the witnesses, i decided it was time to vote.
so i registered republican and went to voting all republican and conservative.
i figured, they might not be perfect, but unlike the democrats that i have seen.
I read everything I can about every political candidate and issue and then I vote for whoever I think will do the best job. I have to admit though that I lean more Repulican as I am sick of Democrats wanting to give money away to all those who wanna sit on their lazy butts and take it. I am all for helping people who are really trying and can really use help but I am sick of working my butt off so that my taxes can be given to people who do not even TRY to take care of themselves.
What are you paying for gas in your neck of the woods?
by imallgrowedup inthe price of gas is getting rediculous here in northern california!
i just paid $2.11 for a gallon of regular gas; premium was selling for $2.33 a gallon!
Here in MO. it is ranging from $1.53 for cheapest to $1.73 for most expensive. And no, I am not wearing a bra! LOL
A real picture of me!!
by dustyb inthis is me and a few of my homies.
i'm the guy in the blue shirt.
anyways, today's been a helluva good day.
Wow, you are much cuter than that awful avatar! WHEW!
Talking the talk is one thing, but would you ever dare to.......
by ParadigmRevolution in.
I have never been to a fetish club although it certainly looks interesting. I HAVE been to a nudist colony. Does that count?
Tell us something we don't know
by ball. in.
come on, tell us a random fact or two about you that bears no relevance to anything else.. i am getting repetative strain injury from holding a mouse.. i've also always wanted to go on "who wants to be a millionare" and say "i'll take the money" after the first 100 and walking out.. .
I am terrified of midgets
"whites only" scholarship
by crownboy inthe aclu has recently defended the right of a college republican group to issue a "whites only" scholarship on free speech grounds.
even before knowing the aclu (of which i am a proud member) was involved, my sentiments pretty much mirrored their's.
I think it is just as racist to have a "whites only" scholarship as it is to have "blacks only" or indians only", etc. People should get jobs, scholarships, etc. based on their ability, NOT on the color of their skin. If you can't pass the test to get the job, ya don't get it, if you don't have good enough grades to get a scholarship, you don't get it.
My life is going to have a BIG change soon
by Mulan inmost of you on this board know my husband and i have been caring for my aged parents for many years.
mom is 91 and is in assisted living now, since november, when we could no longer fill her care needs.
(my parents have been divorced since 1969 so we weren't separating a married couple, in case you wondered) .
You can run around the house naked again! Lol, no seriously Mulan, that is great. You will get to re-discover one another all over again.