Hmm ell, I must still be straight then. Cause although I wouldn't mind if it ever happened again, I don't really think about it much at all! If it happens, great, if not, that's ok too. I like men too much to give them up completely! LOL
i "came out" a few years ago, after living straight for 30 years.
tried to deny all those years that i was a lesbian.
but even if i didnt act on it...i still was.
Hmm ell, I must still be straight then. Cause although I wouldn't mind if it ever happened again, I don't really think about it much at all! If it happens, great, if not, that's ok too. I like men too much to give them up completely! LOL
ugh, i need to work out and have no motivation.
the last several weeks, i have been doing 1 1/2 - 2 miles a night on the treadmill, lifting weights and doing 50 sit-ups a night.
not much i know but it's a start.
I have wondered about yoga but it looks like you have to be a contortionist to do it!!!
ugh, i need to work out and have no motivation.
the last several weeks, i have been doing 1 1/2 - 2 miles a night on the treadmill, lifting weights and doing 50 sit-ups a night.
not much i know but it's a start.
I LOVE the web-site Double Edge recommended and plan to research on there more than I have had a chance tonight. I did my walking, lifting, sit-up routine again tonight and feel great! Sorry, if anyone is bored reading this but when I do it and then post it I feel even better and it gives me more encouragement. Make sense?
reading through some of the recent posts, ie; the topic of lazarus and the gay issue, i was flabbergasted at what i was reading.
i can't believe-well maybe i can, that some people on this site are calling gay people "faggots", and telling that person that they are going to get "what sodom and gomorrah got".. this site has been a godsend to me, and have been telling my friends how nice it is to be in with a group of people who can relate to my life, my feelings, my insecurities, and my fears relating to the org.
and not being a part of it anymore.
As all the others have said, please don't let what a few small-minded people said run you off. You seem like such a nice, caring funny person and it would be a shame if you left. So, for what my little opinion is worth, PLEASE STAY! (edited to add, I don't care if you are gay or not but if that is truly your picture in the avatar I must say that the women of the world are missing out)! LOL
went to see kill bill, vol.
2 this afternoon and it was fantastic!
i was highly disappointed in volume 1 but they had to do what they did in it to make this one.
I agree! Charlie's Angels was a bunch of fake looking fighting and trying to make the girls look sexier than they already are. Tarantino lets his women look sexy AND kick some real butt!
ugh, i need to work out and have no motivation.
the last several weeks, i have been doing 1 1/2 - 2 miles a night on the treadmill, lifting weights and doing 50 sit-ups a night.
not much i know but it's a start.
WOW, thanks everyone for the suggestions. Maverickl, I especially like YOURS! Unfortunately, the hubby doesn't have enough energy
Oh well, guess I'll keep on walkin and I'll go look at that website Double Edge recommends
i just saw this on my breaking news alert from www.cnn.com.
Oh, I gotta go turn it on!
folks, i'm still buzzing from the news that one of my younger brother's; his wife, is pregnant.
i'm going to be an uncle, and i'm thrilled about it.
Wow, what a gorgeous baby! He is a cutie! CONGRATS!
for those who have been thru it (i hate the sound of the word), what is the most stressful aspect and what would you do differently?
and what did you not expect?
i would like to know as right now it has become a real possibility for me.
I think the msot stressful thing to me about my divorce was we were together for 11 years and it was hard not knowing what to expect. Also, he would not let me get "good" jobs. I only had little piddle jobs that had NO benefits and little pay so I was worried about how I was gonna take care of myself. With the help of one friend who let me move in and share rent, the help of another who gave me some furniture and the help of another who got me a new job, I was able to make it! But it was very stressful and it was then I learned to drink ALOT! I don't do it as often know but the divorce sure started me on the way. Good Luck! And believe, me everyone who ahs said don't stay if you are miserable is RIGHT! You have to make YOU happy!
i am not sure if this is only a us holiday.. but if you work.. and have a secretary/adminstrative assistant, did you remember to get something today or plans to take him or her out to lunch????.
Well, for what's it worth, I send a BIG HUG your way! I hope he remembers! Let us know.